MiTaP Divination Chapter (Joseph)
(too old to reply)
2004-10-01 21:18:10 UTC
Orig-To: ***@pacbell.net (Addressee unknown, bounced)

Joseph Littleshoes:
# When i use the URL
# http://www.luckymojo.com/crowley/004mitap.txt
# it takes me to the entire book, i used the LM search engine to find
# www.luckymojo.com/esoteric/occultism/crowlymitap.html#DIV
# But i thought you had put up a page for just chapter 18?

yes, try


from http://www.luckymojo.com/crowley

there are three versions of MiTaP if I am not mistaken.
I didn't add it to that directory, mostly because nobody
else has ever asked for it in that format. :>

# Could you let me know if i am mistaken or what the proper URL for
# chapter 18 is?

see above. I just checked it. enjoy :>


ps long old time since you posted. next time try emailing
me with an address that won't bounce and I'll reply directly. :>
Joseph Littleshoes
2004-10-01 23:50:31 UTC
Post by tyaginator
# When i use the URL
# http://www.luckymojo.com/crowley/004mitap.txt
# it takes me to the entire book, i used the LM search engine to find
# www.luckymojo.com/esoteric/occultism/crowlymitap.html#DIV
# But i thought you had put up a page for just chapter 18?
yes, try
Thanks Naga, i figuredit out, i think, iirc, i searched the lucky mojo
database till i found it. It has been very helpfull on one of the tarot
groups i contribute to.
Post by tyaginator
from http://www.luckymojo.com/crowley
there are three versions of MiTaP if I am not mistaken.
I didn't add it to that directory, mostly because nobody
else has ever asked for it in that format. :>
# Could you let me know if i am mistaken or what the proper URL for
# chapter 18 is?
see above. I just checked it. enjoy :>
ps long old time since you posted. next time try emailing
me with an address that won't bounce and I'll reply directly. :>
Thanks, Naga, i was not sure of which addresst to send an e mail message
to you at. And unfortunatly my old mac and i are not as savy as i would
like us to be, i know i can get another e mail address that will not get
all the spam that now routinly clogs my in box but i am not sure how to
go about it. Though i am thinking of getting a yahoo acount just to
write e mail with.

Thank you again Naga.
Joseph Littleshoes
2004-10-04 06:02:46 UTC
Joseph Littleshoes wrote:

1. Have just finshed reading, re - reading it really though is
"Bumtaro San" unless i am comletely imstaken is the name of a major
Post by tyaginator
# When i use the URL
And i am of course am talking or writing about the "appelation" Naga.

Le nome de net?
J (takeing out his 2 swords and waiting for a reply) L
