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(too old to reply)
2004-09-22 10:21:40 UTC
#># Read the "real" alt.magick FAQ,
#># http://www.darkwave.org.uk/~rick/amfaq.htm

tyaginator <***@nagasiva>:
#> funny, its title is "alt.magick FAQ". is this the real one?

"Asiya" <***@sbcglobal.netTEMPHIOTH>:
# It's the FAQ I've always considered the "real" one,
# and others do too.


# Don't know what the majority think about it.

me either.

#> keen.
# You've seen this FAQ before, right?

sure, I've posted entire reviews of it, correcting typos
and errors of content and suggesting revisions. ;> never
credited, dunno if any of the suggestions were accepted.

#> should we call it that and repost it monthly?
# I think it would be groovy if someone did that,

I've suggested it several times now and volunteered to
to it for the newsgroup, but so far ZZ declined and I
didn't hear a resounding support of it despite ZZ's
interests. it is ZZ's edition of an older version.
if there's sufficient interest I'll only distribute
the real one and occasionally do a pointer to other
FAQ and REFS constructed through the years.

# but probably should ask ZZ first (if he's still around).

feel free! :>

2004-09-22 22:35:17 UTC
Post by tyaginator
#># Read the "real" alt.magick FAQ,
#># http://www.darkwave.org.uk/~rick/amfaq.htm
#> funny, its title is "alt.magick FAQ". is this the real one?
# It's the FAQ I've always considered the "real" one,
# and others do too.
# Don't know what the majority think about it.
me either.
It's the alt.magick FAQ that I consider as the "Real" one.
2004-10-01 20:16:47 UTC
#>#># Read the "real" alt.magick FAQ,
#>#># http://www.darkwave.org.uk/~rick/amfaq.htm

tyaginator <***@nagasiva>:
#>#> funny, its title is "alt.magick FAQ". is this the real one?

"Asiya" <***@sbcglobal.netTEMPHIOTH>:
#># It's the FAQ I've always considered the "real" one,
#># and others do too.
#> fun!
#># Don't know what the majority think about it.
#> me either.

***@yahoo.co.uk (Hermit):
# It's the alt.magick FAQ that I consider as the "Real" one.

no naysayers! I'll consider it. FAQ-activity has been slow.

hermeneutic hand
2004-09-23 19:10:56 UTC
Post by tyaginator
#># Read the "real" alt.magick FAQ,
#># http://www.darkwave.org.uk/~rick/amfaq.htm
#> funny, its title is "alt.magick FAQ". is this the real one?
# It's the FAQ I've always considered the "real" one,
# and others do too.
# Don't know what the majority think about it.
me either.
#> keen.
# You've seen this FAQ before, right?
sure, I've posted entire reviews of it, correcting typos
and errors of content and suggesting revisions. ;> never
credited, dunno if any of the suggestions were accepted.
#> should we call it that and repost it monthly?
# I think it would be groovy if someone did that,
I've suggested it several times now and volunteered to
to it for the newsgroup, but so far ZZ declined and I
didn't hear a resounding support of it despite ZZ's
interests. it is ZZ's edition of an older version.
if there's sufficient interest I'll only distribute
the real one and occasionally do a pointer to other
FAQ and REFS constructed through the years.
I'll be willing to go over, edit, review, comment, &c. on anything you
all have. Just show me what you've got thus far. By the way, I have read
most of the faq's that i've seen (at least most of tyaginator's).
Post by tyaginator
# but probably should ask ZZ first (if he's still around).
feel free! :>
Comments &c. are welcomed in this me first stab at a magic faq
(coumposed 11 hours 23 September, 2004 e.v. die Jovis Autumnal Equinox
Year IVxii of theleme), triadic in form:

0) Alpha FAQ for beginners: (everything from unresolved mysteries to
admittedly trivial minutiae &c. leading up finally to Good QUESTIONS)

Q: what is magic?
A: magic is the unification of thought, speech, and action.

Q: Is magic true?
A: should it be? why? how do you know? exceptions? everywhere?
magic semms true to the adept in illumination,
magic seems false to the adept in illumination,
magic seems both true and false to the adpet in illumination,
magic seems neither true nor false to the adept in illumination.

i sometimes supplement me most vexing or vital enquiries with related
questions like:
what leads you/me to believe this? Is it a necessary limitation? why?

Q: Does magic work?
A: define magic first. if it equals broomsticks and brandleberries, then
you will get a broomstick answer.
defining magic along the lines of will, one has an answer as quickly as
one perceives the connection between will and actuality/ reality/ &c.

1) Beta FAQ for level one enquirer: (minimal experience in the field,
resolved to ask Better QUESTIONS)

Q: How does magic work?
the high mystery of True Will can be assumed to operate all necessary
phenomenon including but not limited to 'the external universe.'

Q: Do I need to change the path I am on to work more effective magic?
A: if things are scary now, what makes you think they will get any better?
Generally this type of question means: can I have my cake and eat it
too? If you bake the cake, no one can challenge your right to enjoy it
as you will. if you refuse to bake the cake for yourself, you'd better
get someone to do it for you that you trust.

Q: Will I need to change the path I am on right now, later?
A: the changes you embrace as part of a True Will must impact you,
though /how/ it does is presumably not a formulaic thing.
this type of question generally means: is there an escape route if
things get too scary?
Presumably your commitment and devotion to the Order of your True Will
is the final arbiter in such matters. Get right with your True Will, and
none shall say nay.

Q: How will I know if I have gone astray?
A: none of your questions and concerns get properly answered or are
addressed by your change in lifestyle, habit, viewpoint, &c.
you've spent fourteen years on a project, are unhappy, in debt, and
can't get a job to save your life. failure and defeat are eaten for
breakfast by the Master. in such a case, <<prepare for the worst, hope
for the best.>>

Q: What is the final goal?
A: to think, speak, and act as you Truly Will, without diffusion or dualism.

Q: How can I measure success in magic?
A: this is a difficult yardstick to erect since success seems
universally varied and variable. designing, employing, and displaying
repeatable results for a critical, objective observer seem ideally the
highest and most critical lever. others may present themselves on the
path inward. each has hir OWN gifts on thee path, each differing
responsibilities, and presumably yardsticks for success.

Q: What is the best system of magic?
A: the system that works for you, as <<success is your proof.>>

2) Gamma FAQ for level two enquirer: (actual experience, eventually
insisting on soliciting the Best QUESTIONS)

Q: How can I make my own system of magic or truly integrate the art into
my own being, and strike out on my own?
A: how did others do it? copy them, instituting reforms that address
your new proposed universe. <<if you build it, they will coum.>>

Q: How can I balance this with my professional/personal life outside magic?
A: i don't know, are you /really/ an entertainer in your (he)art of
he(arts)? become David Bowie. are you /really/ an educator? become Adam
Weishaupt. and so for the rest of your (potentially) divided will.

Q: How do I avoid burnout, boredom, &c. and continue thriving?
A: if your magic is as naturally a part of you as a crossing gesture to
a Catholic, it can't be taken away, much less argued with. Invoke often,
enflaming thyself in prayer!

2004-10-01 20:54:24 UTC
hermeneutic hand <astrum-***@cox.net>:
# I'll be willing to go over, edit, review, comment, &c. on anything you
# all have. Just show me what you've got thus far. By the way, I have read
# most of the faq's that i've seen (at least most of tyaginator's).


has most of them ever created, including the Kreeeping OOozes! ;>

# Comments &c. are welcomed in this me first stab at a magic faq
# (coumposed 11 hours 23 September, 2004 e.v. die Jovis Autumnal Equinox
# Year IVxii of theleme), triadic in form:

fabulous! we can follow in the footsteps of alt.satanism!

# 0) Alpha FAQ for beginners: (everything from unresolved mysteries to
# admittedly trivial minutiae &c. leading up finally to Good QUESTIONS)
# Q: what is magic?
# A: magic is the unification of thought, speech, and action.
# Q: Is magic true?
# A: should it be? why? how do you know? exceptions? everywhere?
# magic semms true to the adept in illumination,
# magic seems false to the adept in illumination,
# magic seems both true and false to the adpet in illumination,
# magic seems neither true nor false to the adept in illumination.
# i sometimes supplement me most vexing or vital enquiries with related
# questions like:
# what leads you/me to believe this? Is it a necessary limitation? why?

LOL fabulous! it creates additional discussion and is therefore lovely.

# Q: Does magic work?
# A: define magic first. if it equals broomsticks and brandleberries, then
# you will get a broomstick answer.

brandleberries? as in wine?

# defining magic along the lines of will, one has an answer as quickly as
# one perceives the connection between will and actuality/ reality/ &c.

at least an apparent one. :>

# 1) Beta FAQ for level one enquirer: (minimal experience in the field,
# resolved to ask Better QUESTIONS)

I like the ALPHA/BETA FAQ level idea. it has great potential.

# Q: How does magic work?
# phenomenon including but not limited to 'the external universe.'
# the high mystery of True Will can be assumed to operate all necessary

# Q: Do I need to change the path I am on to work more effective magic?
# A: if things are scary now, what makes you think they will get any better?
# Generally this type of question means: can I have my cake and eat it
# too? If you bake the cake, no one can challenge your right to enjoy it
# as you will. if you refuse to bake the cake for yourself, you'd better
# get someone to do it for you that you trust.

let them bake cake!

# Q: Will I need to change the path I am on right now, later?
# A: the changes you embrace as part of a True Will must impact you,
# though /how/ it does is presumably not a formulaic thing.
# this type of question generally means: is there an escape route if
# things get too scary?
# Presumably your commitment and devotion to the Order of your True Will
# is the final arbiter in such matters. Get right with your True Will, and
# none shall say nay.

a clear harkening to the Problem of Evil.

# Q: How will I know if I have gone astray?
# A: none of your questions and concerns get properly answered or are
# addressed by your change in lifestyle, habit, viewpoint, &c.
# you've spent fourteen years on a project, are unhappy, in debt, and
# can't get a job to save your life. failure and defeat are eaten for
# breakfast by the Master. in such a case, <<prepare for the worst, hope
# for the best.>>

always my method.

# Q: What is the final goal?
# A: to think, speak, and act as you Truly Will, without diffusion or dualism.

you could expand this to the 8-fold Buddha-Path!

# Q: How can I measure success in magic?
# A: this is a difficult yardstick to erect since success seems
# universally varied and variable. designing, employing, and displaying
# repeatable results for a critical, objective observer seem ideally the
# highest and most critical lever. others may present themselves on the
# path inward. each has hir OWN gifts on thee path, each differing
# responsibilities, and presumably yardsticks for success.


# Q: What is the best system of magic?
# A: the system that works for you, as <<success is your proof.>>

there's that 'works' word again.

# 2) Gamma FAQ for level two enquirer: (actual experience, eventually
# insisting on soliciting the Best QUESTIONS)

# Q: How can I make my own system of magic or truly integrate the art into
# my own being, and strike out on my own?

I don't remember this question coming too frequently, maybe I missed it.

# A: how did others do it? copy them, instituting reforms that address
# your new proposed universe. <<if you build it, they will coum.>>


# Q: How can I balance this with my professional/personal life outside magic?
# A: i don't know, are you /really/ an entertainer in your (he)art of
# he(arts)? become David Bowie. are you /really/ an educator? become Adam
# Weishaupt. and so for the rest of your (potentially) divided will.


# Q: How do I avoid burnout, boredom, &c. and continue thriving?
# A: if your magic is as naturally a part of you as a crossing gesture to
# a Catholic, it can't be taken away, much less argued with. Invoke often,
# enflaming thyself in prayer!

thanks. I will steal some of these queries for my Questions List,
which I will post again soon. :> I'm beginning to think that the
questions are much more important than the answers ever were. ;>

early on I was convinced by regular posters that the Query List should
not be used as a skeleton for the FAQ (because they thought that it
was too early to determine the most *frequently* asked queries and
wanted to leave more room for discussion). later, as the FAQ reduced
to the status of a Noise-Reducing Tool and other FAQs (such as mine,
and now HH's, along with the Shava-Josh FAQ revised by ZZ) made their
appearances to cover some of the territory I decided that it would be
quit a long time before I offered to construct that again.

that said, sri catyananda *did* construct a EL GIGANTE FAQ that
combined all the various answers to those queries presumed most
frequent and it may be found at the URL at the top of this post.


it deserves an edition of its own.


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