2004-05-04 00:50:04 UTC
here's what I've got so far. please add to this if you know about
more. I'm scouring the WWW and am acquiring a few of them in print
so as to fill in the blanks on this information science supplement.
I may extend this more in the link-compilation realm, but prefer
to let dmoz.org/ or some other checker-source comb them out. upon
occasion I'll repost this or establish a firm URL for it at LM.
Bibliography of Occult Bibliographies
by tyaginator 040503 version
Occult/ism: Magic, Divination (English Language)
Media: Books, Articles, URLs
Dating: Coverage (primary), Publishing (secondary)
1450-1929 (coverage)
Price, Harry.
Short-Title Catalogue of Works on Psychical
Research, Spiritualism, Magic,...for the
Scientific Investigation of Alledged Abnormal
Phenomena from Circa 1450 to 1929. London: 1929.
1959-1971 (coverage)
Nugent, Donald.
Witchcraft Studies, 1959-1971: A Bibliographical
Survey. The Occult: Studies and Evaluations. Ed.
Robert Galbreath. Bowling Green, KY: 1972. 82-97.
1967 (published)
Hyre, K.M., and Goodman, Eli.
Price Guide to the Occult and Related Subjects
(Los Angeles: Reference Guides, 1967, 380 pp.)
A list of over 8,000 titles of out-of-print
books from 39 used-book dealers' catalogues.
Arranged alphabetically by author. [KIES]
1971-1975 (coverage)
Clarie, Thomas C.
Occult Bibliography: an Annotated List of Books
Published in English 1971-1975 (Metuchen, NJ:
Scarecrow Press, 1978) *RS-YL 79-1234; 454 pp.,
indices. ISBN 0-8101-1152-9.
A listing of nearly 2,000 titles, mostly
annotated and arranged in alphabetical
sequence by main entry. It does not claim
to be all-inclusive (a bibliographer would
be mad to even try!) and does pick up some
reprints. Excludes works not reviewed in
in periodicals or "found[1] in any bookstore."
Clarie awards stars for outstanding items,
and includes a prioritized list of the ten
best books for each year. Publishing trends
are discussed for various occult subjects.
1972 (published)
Galbreath, Robert.
The History of Modern Occultism: A Bibliographical
Survey.' The Occult: Studies and Evaluations. Ed.
Galbreath. Bowling Green, KY: 1972. 98-126.
1976-1981 (coverage)
Clarie, Thomas C.
Occult/Paranormal Bibliography: an Annotated
Bibliography of Books Published in English
1976-1981 (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press,
1984) *RS-NAL 85-976; 561 pp., indices.
ISBN 0-8108-1674-1.
[NOTE: '84 is more in demand online]
Similar in scope and arrangement to the
previous item. Nearly 2,000 entries, mostly
annotated, of books published during a six-
year period. The prioritized list of the ten
best books for each year is dropped. More
attention is paid to reviewers' comments
than in previous work, although the number
of reviews is less significant in the
assignment of stars[?]. [KIES]
These two volumes cover over 3,800 titles
encompassing a broad range of topics.
Extensive annotations include critical
evaluations drawn from over 8,000 review
articles. Alphabetically arranged entries
can be accessed through subject, author
and title indexes. [NYPL]
1977 (published)
Chicorel, Marietta.
Chicorel Index to Parapsychology and Occult Books
(New York: Chicorel Library Pub. Corp., 1977 [78?])
MZC 78-976; available in the Theatre Collection
of the New York Public Library for the Performing
Arts. 354 pp. ISBN 0-87729-202-2.
Volume 24 in the Chicorel Index Series. An
index to monographic material on various
occult subjects. Thematic arrangement by
broad and narrow subjects, such as demonology,
alchemy, acupuncture, and the like. A number
of titles are listed in more than one category.
The titles, over 3,000 in all, reflect specific
library holdings. The preface indicates that
the publisher plans a new edition with more
emphasis on Eastern religious aspects and
influences relating to the occult. [KIES]
This classic work is based on the
collections of the Association for
Research and Enlightenment founded
by Edgar Cayce. [NYPL]
1983 (published)
Gilbert, R.A.
A.E. Waite: A Bibliography
The Aquarian Press. 1983. First Edition, signed by
the author, frontis., facsimiles, orig. cloth,
d.w. £25
The definitive bibliography of the writings
of A.E. Waite, one of the major architects
of the Occult Revival. [FOR]
1986 (published)
Kies, Cosette N.
The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887; 190 pp.,
glossary, indices. ISBN 0-7201-1838-7.
A useful basic bibliography. Provides key
titles for a wide range of topics relating
to the occult and parapsychology. [NYPL]
1988 (published)
Melton, J. Gordon, and Poggi, Isotta.
Magic, Witchcraft and Paganism in America: a
(New York: Garland, 1988, 1992) *RS-ZAZ 93-1021;
1982 edition in JFD 83-6530;
1992 edition, (Religious Information
Systems, 3). 408pp. New York: Garland Publishing,
Includes books, pamphlets, articles. Section
essays but no annotations. Not science but
potentially useful in certain studies as
contextual sources). [BOB]
Garland Bibliographies on Sects and Cults
series. Emphasis is on contemporary pagan
and magical religious communities in
America, but discusses historic European
roots. Contains 1,500 items, some annotated.
A comprehensive bibliography of monographs and
major studies in history and social sciences on
the history of magic, witchcraft and related
movements from colonial times to 1990. Includes
African-American witchcraft. Appendix of
current and discontinued periodicals. [NYPL]
Articles (as in Journals/Periodicals)
1928-1994 (coverage)
The Greek Magical Papyri: an Introduction and
Survey: Annotated Bibliography (1928-94)
ANRW II.18.5 (1995), p. 3380-3684.
Online (URLs Which May Change Soon)
Arcana Bibliographies
by woj (mailto:***@remus.rutgers.edu)
A Catalogue of Such of Dr. Dee's MSS. as Are Come to My Hands
by Elias Ashmole
Magic Bibliographies and Resources
by John-Gabriel Bodard
Introductory Bibliography of Enochian and Diary MSS of
John Dee by compiled by Rafal T. Prinke
Created and Maintained by Clark A. Elliott; Belmont, MA
Forest Books
Kies, Cosette.
The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887.
NOTE 1 -- at notation, an extra quotation mark.
removed here for coherency.
Magic Bibliographies and Resources
John-Gabriel Bodard
The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies
URLs of Occult Biblios
more. I'm scouring the WWW and am acquiring a few of them in print
so as to fill in the blanks on this information science supplement.
I may extend this more in the link-compilation realm, but prefer
to let dmoz.org/ or some other checker-source comb them out. upon
occasion I'll repost this or establish a firm URL for it at LM.
Bibliography of Occult Bibliographies
by tyaginator 040503 version
Occult/ism: Magic, Divination (English Language)
Media: Books, Articles, URLs
Dating: Coverage (primary), Publishing (secondary)
1450-1929 (coverage)
Price, Harry.
Short-Title Catalogue of Works on Psychical
Research, Spiritualism, Magic,...for the
Scientific Investigation of Alledged Abnormal
Phenomena from Circa 1450 to 1929. London: 1929.
1959-1971 (coverage)
Nugent, Donald.
Witchcraft Studies, 1959-1971: A Bibliographical
Survey. The Occult: Studies and Evaluations. Ed.
Robert Galbreath. Bowling Green, KY: 1972. 82-97.
1967 (published)
Hyre, K.M., and Goodman, Eli.
Price Guide to the Occult and Related Subjects
(Los Angeles: Reference Guides, 1967, 380 pp.)
A list of over 8,000 titles of out-of-print
books from 39 used-book dealers' catalogues.
Arranged alphabetically by author. [KIES]
1971-1975 (coverage)
Clarie, Thomas C.
Occult Bibliography: an Annotated List of Books
Published in English 1971-1975 (Metuchen, NJ:
Scarecrow Press, 1978) *RS-YL 79-1234; 454 pp.,
indices. ISBN 0-8101-1152-9.
A listing of nearly 2,000 titles, mostly
annotated and arranged in alphabetical
sequence by main entry. It does not claim
to be all-inclusive (a bibliographer would
be mad to even try!) and does pick up some
reprints. Excludes works not reviewed in
in periodicals or "found[1] in any bookstore."
Clarie awards stars for outstanding items,
and includes a prioritized list of the ten
best books for each year. Publishing trends
are discussed for various occult subjects.
1972 (published)
Galbreath, Robert.
The History of Modern Occultism: A Bibliographical
Survey.' The Occult: Studies and Evaluations. Ed.
Galbreath. Bowling Green, KY: 1972. 98-126.
1976-1981 (coverage)
Clarie, Thomas C.
Occult/Paranormal Bibliography: an Annotated
Bibliography of Books Published in English
1976-1981 (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press,
1984) *RS-NAL 85-976; 561 pp., indices.
ISBN 0-8108-1674-1.
[NOTE: '84 is more in demand online]
Similar in scope and arrangement to the
previous item. Nearly 2,000 entries, mostly
annotated, of books published during a six-
year period. The prioritized list of the ten
best books for each year is dropped. More
attention is paid to reviewers' comments
than in previous work, although the number
of reviews is less significant in the
assignment of stars[?]. [KIES]
These two volumes cover over 3,800 titles
encompassing a broad range of topics.
Extensive annotations include critical
evaluations drawn from over 8,000 review
articles. Alphabetically arranged entries
can be accessed through subject, author
and title indexes. [NYPL]
1977 (published)
Chicorel, Marietta.
Chicorel Index to Parapsychology and Occult Books
(New York: Chicorel Library Pub. Corp., 1977 [78?])
MZC 78-976; available in the Theatre Collection
of the New York Public Library for the Performing
Arts. 354 pp. ISBN 0-87729-202-2.
Volume 24 in the Chicorel Index Series. An
index to monographic material on various
occult subjects. Thematic arrangement by
broad and narrow subjects, such as demonology,
alchemy, acupuncture, and the like. A number
of titles are listed in more than one category.
The titles, over 3,000 in all, reflect specific
library holdings. The preface indicates that
the publisher plans a new edition with more
emphasis on Eastern religious aspects and
influences relating to the occult. [KIES]
This classic work is based on the
collections of the Association for
Research and Enlightenment founded
by Edgar Cayce. [NYPL]
1983 (published)
Gilbert, R.A.
A.E. Waite: A Bibliography
The Aquarian Press. 1983. First Edition, signed by
the author, frontis., facsimiles, orig. cloth,
d.w. £25
The definitive bibliography of the writings
of A.E. Waite, one of the major architects
of the Occult Revival. [FOR]
1986 (published)
Kies, Cosette N.
The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887; 190 pp.,
glossary, indices. ISBN 0-7201-1838-7.
A useful basic bibliography. Provides key
titles for a wide range of topics relating
to the occult and parapsychology. [NYPL]
1988 (published)
Melton, J. Gordon, and Poggi, Isotta.
Magic, Witchcraft and Paganism in America: a
(New York: Garland, 1988, 1992) *RS-ZAZ 93-1021;
1982 edition in JFD 83-6530;
1992 edition, (Religious Information
Systems, 3). 408pp. New York: Garland Publishing,
Includes books, pamphlets, articles. Section
essays but no annotations. Not science but
potentially useful in certain studies as
contextual sources). [BOB]
Garland Bibliographies on Sects and Cults
series. Emphasis is on contemporary pagan
and magical religious communities in
America, but discusses historic European
roots. Contains 1,500 items, some annotated.
A comprehensive bibliography of monographs and
major studies in history and social sciences on
the history of magic, witchcraft and related
movements from colonial times to 1990. Includes
African-American witchcraft. Appendix of
current and discontinued periodicals. [NYPL]
Articles (as in Journals/Periodicals)
1928-1994 (coverage)
The Greek Magical Papyri: an Introduction and
Survey: Annotated Bibliography (1928-94)
ANRW II.18.5 (1995), p. 3380-3684.
Online (URLs Which May Change Soon)
Arcana Bibliographies
by woj (mailto:***@remus.rutgers.edu)
A Catalogue of Such of Dr. Dee's MSS. as Are Come to My Hands
by Elias Ashmole
Magic Bibliographies and Resources
by John-Gabriel Bodard
Introductory Bibliography of Enochian and Diary MSS of
John Dee by compiled by Rafal T. Prinke
Created and Maintained by Clark A. Elliott; Belmont, MA
Forest Books
Kies, Cosette.
The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887.
NOTE 1 -- at notation, an extra quotation mark.
removed here for coherency.
Magic Bibliographies and Resources
John-Gabriel Bodard
The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies
URLs of Occult Biblios