Bibliography of Occult Bibliographies
(too old to reply)
2004-05-04 00:50:04 UTC
here's what I've got so far. please add to this if you know about
more. I'm scouring the WWW and am acquiring a few of them in print
so as to fill in the blanks on this information science supplement.
I may extend this more in the link-compilation realm, but prefer
to let dmoz.org/ or some other checker-source comb them out. upon
occasion I'll repost this or establish a firm URL for it at LM.


Bibliography of Occult Bibliographies
by tyaginator 040503 version

Occult/ism: Magic, Divination (English Language)
Media: Books, Articles, URLs
Dating: Coverage (primary), Publishing (secondary)

1450-1929 (coverage)
Price, Harry.
Short-Title Catalogue of Works on Psychical
Research, Spiritualism, Magic,...for the
Scientific Investigation of Alledged Abnormal
Phenomena from Circa 1450 to 1929. London: 1929.

1959-1971 (coverage)
Nugent, Donald.
Witchcraft Studies, 1959-1971: A Bibliographical
Survey. The Occult: Studies and Evaluations. Ed.
Robert Galbreath. Bowling Green, KY: 1972. 82-97.

1967 (published)
Hyre, K.M., and Goodman, Eli.
Price Guide to the Occult and Related Subjects
(Los Angeles: Reference Guides, 1967, 380 pp.)

A list of over 8,000 titles of out-of-print
books from 39 used-book dealers' catalogues.
Arranged alphabetically by author. [KIES]

1971-1975 (coverage)
Clarie, Thomas C.
Occult Bibliography: an Annotated List of Books
Published in English 1971-1975 (Metuchen, NJ:
Scarecrow Press, 1978) *RS-YL 79-1234; 454 pp.,
indices. ISBN 0-8101-1152-9.

A listing of nearly 2,000 titles, mostly
annotated and arranged in alphabetical
sequence by main entry. It does not claim
to be all-inclusive (a bibliographer would
be mad to even try!) and does pick up some
reprints. Excludes works not reviewed in
in periodicals or "found[1] in any bookstore."
Clarie awards stars for outstanding items,
and includes a prioritized list of the ten
best books for each year. Publishing trends
are discussed for various occult subjects.

1972 (published)
Galbreath, Robert.
The History of Modern Occultism: A Bibliographical
Survey.' The Occult: Studies and Evaluations. Ed.
Galbreath. Bowling Green, KY: 1972. 98-126.

1976-1981 (coverage)
Clarie, Thomas C.
Occult/Paranormal Bibliography: an Annotated
Bibliography of Books Published in English
1976-1981 (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press,
1984) *RS-NAL 85-976; 561 pp., indices.
ISBN 0-8108-1674-1.

[NOTE: '84 is more in demand online]

Similar in scope and arrangement to the
previous item. Nearly 2,000 entries, mostly
annotated, of books published during a six-
year period. The prioritized list of the ten
best books for each year is dropped. More
attention is paid to reviewers' comments
than in previous work, although the number
of reviews is less significant in the
assignment of stars[?]. [KIES]
These two volumes cover over 3,800 titles
encompassing a broad range of topics.
Extensive annotations include critical
evaluations drawn from over 8,000 review
articles. Alphabetically arranged entries
can be accessed through subject, author
and title indexes. [NYPL]

1977 (published)
Chicorel, Marietta.
Chicorel Index to Parapsychology and Occult Books
(New York: Chicorel Library Pub. Corp., 1977 [78?])
MZC 78-976; available in the Theatre Collection
of the New York Public Library for the Performing
Arts. 354 pp. ISBN 0-87729-202-2.

Volume 24 in the Chicorel Index Series. An
index to monographic material on various
occult subjects. Thematic arrangement by
broad and narrow subjects, such as demonology,
alchemy, acupuncture, and the like. A number
of titles are listed in more than one category.
The titles, over 3,000 in all, reflect specific
library holdings. The preface indicates that
the publisher plans a new edition with more
emphasis on Eastern religious aspects and
influences relating to the occult. [KIES]

This classic work is based on the
collections of the Association for
Research and Enlightenment founded
by Edgar Cayce. [NYPL]

1983 (published)
Gilbert, R.A.
A.E. Waite: A Bibliography
The Aquarian Press. 1983. First Edition, signed by
the author, frontis., facsimiles, orig. cloth,
d.w. £25

The definitive bibliography of the writings
of A.E. Waite, one of the major architects
of the Occult Revival. [FOR]

1986 (published)
Kies, Cosette N.
The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887; 190 pp.,
glossary, indices. ISBN 0-7201-1838-7.

A useful basic bibliography. Provides key
titles for a wide range of topics relating
to the occult and parapsychology. [NYPL]

1988 (published)
Melton, J. Gordon, and Poggi, Isotta.
Magic, Witchcraft and Paganism in America: a
(New York: Garland, 1988, 1992) *RS-ZAZ 93-1021;
1982 edition in JFD 83-6530;
1992 edition, (Religious Information
Systems, 3). 408pp. New York: Garland Publishing,

Includes books, pamphlets, articles. Section
essays but no annotations. Not science but
potentially useful in certain studies as
contextual sources). [BOB]

Garland Bibliographies on Sects and Cults
series. Emphasis is on contemporary pagan
and magical religious communities in
America, but discusses historic European
roots. Contains 1,500 items, some annotated.

A comprehensive bibliography of monographs and
major studies in history and social sciences on
the history of magic, witchcraft and related
movements from colonial times to 1990. Includes
African-American witchcraft. Appendix of
current and discontinued periodicals. [NYPL]


Articles (as in Journals/Periodicals)

1928-1994 (coverage)
The Greek Magical Papyri: an Introduction and
Survey: Annotated Bibliography (1928-94)
ANRW II.18.5 (1995), p. 3380-3684.


Online (URLs Which May Change Soon)

Arcana Bibliographies
by woj (mailto:***@remus.rutgers.edu)

A Catalogue of Such of Dr. Dee's MSS. as Are Come to My Hands
by Elias Ashmole

Magic Bibliographies and Resources
by John-Gabriel Bodard

Introductory Bibliography of Enochian and Diary MSS of
John Dee by compiled by Rafal T. Prinke


Created and Maintained by Clark A. Elliott; Belmont, MA

Forest Books

Kies, Cosette.
The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887.

NOTE 1 -- at notation, an extra quotation mark.
removed here for coherency.

Magic Bibliographies and Resources
John-Gabriel Bodard

The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies




URLs of Occult Biblios

Joseph Littleshoes
2004-05-05 01:50:38 UTC
Post by tyaginator
here's what I've got so far. please add to this if you know about
more. I'm scouring the WWW and am acquiring a few of them in print
so as to fill in the blanks on this information science supplement.
I may extend this more in the link-compilation realm, but prefer
to let dmoz.org/ or some other checker-source comb them out. upon
occasion I'll repost this or establish a firm URL for it at LM.
Hoping i am not overlooking the obvious here but i did not see the Crowley
bibliography listed. I don't have a publishing history for it and i only
recall seeing it once in Shambala book store many years ago, it might even be
a vanity press or self published local text. I did not purchase it at the
time as i was already so very familiar with the corpus of Crowley that i did
not feel like spending the money on it when i could spend it on other actual
books, iirc i bought the collected works vols. 1 - 3 instead, but i did make
a few notes from it at the time (since lost) it would be nice to have a
listing, especially of the more obscure poetry. As far as i know except for
a couple of examples none of the "un - published" stuff he left such masses
of has ever been gone through and gathered into a workable format. But then
im surprised that the Frieda Harris pictures have never been published, at
least in book form. Some of the stuff Crowley rejected was, to my mind,
better than what he selected.

OT-- i wrote another post asking about the mitapxviii.txt URL and never got
an answer from you. Unless i have got it copied incorrectly its not working
any more. NIce to see you posting again, i wondered why the sudden lack of
postings from you.
Post by tyaginator
Bibliography of Occult Bibliographies
by tyaginator 040503 version
Occult/ism: Magic, Divination (English Language)
Media: Books, Articles, URLs
Dating: Coverage (primary), Publishing (secondary)
1450-1929 (coverage)
Price, Harry.
Short-Title Catalogue of Works on Psychical
Research, Spiritualism, Magic,...for the
Scientific Investigation of Alledged Abnormal
Phenomena from Circa 1450 to 1929. London: 1929.
1959-1971 (coverage)
Nugent, Donald.
Witchcraft Studies, 1959-1971: A Bibliographical
Survey. The Occult: Studies and Evaluations. Ed.
Robert Galbreath. Bowling Green, KY: 1972. 82-97.
1967 (published)
Hyre, K.M., and Goodman, Eli.
Price Guide to the Occult and Related Subjects
(Los Angeles: Reference Guides, 1967, 380 pp.)
A list of over 8,000 titles of out-of-print
books from 39 used-book dealers' catalogues.
Arranged alphabetically by author. [KIES]
1971-1975 (coverage)
Clarie, Thomas C.
Occult Bibliography: an Annotated List of Books
Scarecrow Press, 1978) *RS-YL 79-1234; 454 pp.,
indices. ISBN 0-8101-1152-9.
A listing of nearly 2,000 titles, mostly
annotated and arranged in alphabetical
sequence by main entry. It does not claim
to be all-inclusive (a bibliographer would
be mad to even try!) and does pick up some
reprints. Excludes works not reviewed in
in periodicals or "found[1] in any bookstore."
Clarie awards stars for outstanding items,
and includes a prioritized list of the ten
best books for each year. Publishing trends
are discussed for various occult subjects.
1972 (published)
Galbreath, Robert.
The History of Modern Occultism: A Bibliographical
Survey.' The Occult: Studies and Evaluations. Ed.
Galbreath. Bowling Green, KY: 1972. 98-126.
1976-1981 (coverage)
Clarie, Thomas C.
Occult/Paranormal Bibliography: an Annotated
Bibliography of Books Published in English
1976-1981 (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press,
1984) *RS-NAL 85-976; 561 pp., indices.
ISBN 0-8108-1674-1.
[NOTE: '84 is more in demand online]
Similar in scope and arrangement to the
previous item. Nearly 2,000 entries, mostly
annotated, of books published during a six-
year period. The prioritized list of the ten
best books for each year is dropped. More
attention is paid to reviewers' comments
than in previous work, although the number
of reviews is less significant in the
assignment of stars[?]. [KIES]
These two volumes cover over 3,800 titles
encompassing a broad range of topics.
Extensive annotations include critical
evaluations drawn from over 8,000 review
articles. Alphabetically arranged entries
can be accessed through subject, author
and title indexes. [NYPL]
1977 (published)
Chicorel, Marietta.
Chicorel Index to Parapsychology and Occult Books
(New York: Chicorel Library Pub. Corp., 1977 [78?])
MZC 78-976; available in the Theatre Collection
of the New York Public Library for the Performing
Arts. 354 pp. ISBN 0-87729-202-2.
Volume 24 in the Chicorel Index Series. An
index to monographic material on various
occult subjects. Thematic arrangement by
broad and narrow subjects, such as demonology,
alchemy, acupuncture, and the like. A number
of titles are listed in more than one category.
The titles, over 3,000 in all, reflect specific
library holdings. The preface indicates that
the publisher plans a new edition with more
emphasis on Eastern religious aspects and
influences relating to the occult. [KIES]
This classic work is based on the
collections of the Association for
Research and Enlightenment founded
by Edgar Cayce. [NYPL]
1983 (published)
Gilbert, R.A.
A.E. Waite: A Bibliography
The Aquarian Press. 1983. First Edition, signed by
the author, frontis., facsimiles, orig. cloth,
d.w. £25
The definitive bibliography of the writings
of A.E. Waite, one of the major architects
of the Occult Revival. [FOR]
1986 (published)
Kies, Cosette N.
The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887; 190 pp.,
glossary, indices. ISBN 0-7201-1838-7.
A useful basic bibliography. Provides key
titles for a wide range of topics relating
to the occult and parapsychology. [NYPL]
1988 (published)
Melton, J. Gordon, and Poggi, Isotta.
Magic, Witchcraft and Paganism in America: a
(New York: Garland, 1988, 1992) *RS-ZAZ 93-1021;
1982 edition in JFD 83-6530;
1992 edition, (Religious Information
Systems, 3). 408pp. New York: Garland Publishing,
Includes books, pamphlets, articles. Section
essays but no annotations. Not science but
potentially useful in certain studies as
contextual sources). [BOB]
Garland Bibliographies on Sects and Cults
series. Emphasis is on contemporary pagan
and magical religious communities in
America, but discusses historic European
roots. Contains 1,500 items, some annotated.
A comprehensive bibliography of monographs and
major studies in history and social sciences on
the history of magic, witchcraft and related
movements from colonial times to 1990. Includes
African-American witchcraft. Appendix of
current and discontinued periodicals. [NYPL]
Articles (as in Journals/Periodicals)
1928-1994 (coverage)
The Greek Magical Papyri: an Introduction and
Survey: Annotated Bibliography (1928-94)
ANRW II.18.5 (1995), p. 3380-3684.
Online (URLs Which May Change Soon)
Arcana Bibliographies
A Catalogue of Such of Dr. Dee's MSS. as Are Come to My Hands
by Elias Ashmole
Magic Bibliographies and Resources
by John-Gabriel Bodard
Introductory Bibliography of Enochian and Diary MSS of
John Dee by compiled by Rafal T. Prinke
Created and Maintained by Clark A. Elliott; Belmont, MA
Forest Books
Kies, Cosette.
The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887.
NOTE 1 -- at notation, an extra quotation mark.
removed here for coherency.
Magic Bibliographies and Resources
John-Gabriel Bodard
The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies
URLs of Occult Biblios
2004-05-06 11:25:10 UTC
Joseph Littleshoes <***@pacbell.net>:
#> here's what I've got so far. please add to this if you know about
#> more. I'm scouring the WWW and am acquiring a few of them in print
#> so as to fill in the blanks on this information science supplement.
#> I may extend this more in the link-compilation realm, but prefer
#> to let dmoz.org/ or some other checker-source comb them out. upon
#> occasion I'll repost this or establish a firm URL for it at LM.
# Hoping i am not overlooking the obvious here but i did not see
# the Crowley bibliography listed.

hey neither have I. I haven't been focussing on schools yet in
searches, but have run across a few personal collections like
bibliographies of the of biographies of HPB, the works of AEW,
and the those of Montague Summers, Colin Wilson, etc.

# I don't have a publishing history for it and i only
# recall seeing it once in Shambala book store many years ago,
# it might even be a vanity press or self published local text.

I was given a copy by kin of the Cross-Index, but I know of no
bibliographies yet online. you might try the OTO websites. if
I run across something I'll post it here.

# im surprised that the Frieda Harris pictures have never been
# published, at least in book form. Some of the stuff Crowley
# rejected was, to my mind, better than what he selected.


# ...mitapxviii.txt URL

works fine for me. try again? :> I answered.


#> ===============================================================
#> Bibliography of Occult Bibliographies
#> by tyaginator 040503 version
#> ===============================================================
#> Key:
#> Occult/ism: Magic, Divination (English Language)
#> Media: Books, Articles, URLs
#> Dating: Coverage (primary), Publishing (secondary)
#> ===============================================================

in case it was unclear, 'coverage' means the period of time
covered by the bibliography, whereas the 'published' date
is merely the date that the bibliography itself was published.


#> ======================================================
#> Sources
#> -------

I'm finding these occasionally valuable too:



#> [BOB]
#> Created and Maintained by Clark A. Elliott; Belmont, MA
#> (mailto:***@earthlink.net)
#> http://home.earthlink.net/~claelliott/biblioreference.htm
#> [FOR]
#> Forest Books
#> http://www.forestbooks.co.uk/cata99p2.htm
#> [KIES]
#> Kies, Cosette.
#> The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
#> Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
#> Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887.
#> NOTE 1 -- at notation, an extra quotation mark.
#> removed here for coherency.
#> [MBR]
#> Magic Bibliographies and Resources
#> John-Gabriel Bodard
#> http://www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~lkpbodrd/magbib/fulltext.html
#> [NYPL]
#> The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
#> Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies
#> http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/occult/bibliographies.html
#> END
#> ==============================================================
#> Supplement

I also found

Related Bibliographies

1966 (published -- MPHall)
Hall, Manly P.
Great Books on Religion & Esoteric Philosophy: With
a Bibliography of Related Material Selected from the
Writings of Manly P. Hall
Philosophical Research Society; (+ 1980, 1999)
ASIN: 0893148210; 110 pp.

1980 (published)
Pritchard, Alan
Alchemy: a Bibliography of English-language
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980, pp. 439.

1983 (published)
Gilbert, R.A.
A.E. Waite: A Bibliography;
The Aquarian Press. 1983. ISBN:0850303192

The definitive bibliography of the writings
of A.E. Waite, one of the major architects
of the Occult Revival. [FOR]

Smith, Timothy d'Arch
Montague Summers: a Bibliography of the Works
of Montague Summers
Nicholas Vane, 1964.
New Hyde Park: University Books, 1964.
Spoon River Press, 1983; ISBN: 0850303176.

Blavatsky) Guignette, Jean-Paul,
Bibliography of Biographical Studies on
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891)
Theosophical History Centre 1987, Pamphlet, 12pp.

Yale University Library
Alchemy and the Occult; a Catalogue of Books and
Manuscripts from the Collection of Paul and Mary
Mellon Given to Yale University Library;
ASIN: 0845731181

#> URLs of Occult Biblios
#> http://www.abardoncompanion.com/Bibliography.html
#> http://www.shadowtarot.net/italiano/articoli/bibliografia%20grant.pdf

here's some more of these too:




















interesting collections.


dngul skarma tathagatgarbha
2004-05-06 16:47:37 UTC
Post by tyaginator
#> here's what I've got so far. please add to this if you know about
#> more. I'm scouring the WWW and am acquiring a few of them in print
#> so as to fill in the blanks on this information science supplement.
#> I may extend this more in the link-compilation realm, but prefer
#> to let dmoz.org/ or some other checker-source comb them out. upon
#> occasion I'll repost this or establish a firm URL for it at LM.
# Hoping i am not overlooking the obvious here but i did not see
# the Crowley bibliography listed.
hey neither have I. I haven't been focussing on schools yet in
searches, but have run across a few personal collections like
bibliographies of the of biographies of HPB, the works of AEW,
and the those of Montague Summers, Colin Wilson, etc.
# I don't have a publishing history for it and i only
# recall seeing it once in Shambala book store many years ago,
# it might even be a vanity press or self published local text.
I was given a copy by kin of the Cross-Index, but I know of no
bibliographies yet online. you might try the OTO websites. if
I run across something I'll post it here.
# im surprised that the Frieda Harris pictures have never been
# published, at least in book form. Some of the stuff Crowley
# rejected was, to my mind, better than what he selected.
# ...mitapxviii.txt URL
works fine for me. try again? :> I answered.
#> ===============================================================
#> Bibliography of Occult Bibliographies
#> by tyaginator 040503 version
#> ===============================================================
#> Occult/ism: Magic, Divination (English Language)
#> Media: Books, Articles, URLs
#> Dating: Coverage (primary), Publishing (secondary)
#> ===============================================================
in case it was unclear, 'coverage' means the period of time
covered by the bibliography, whereas the 'published' date
is merely the date that the bibliography itself was published.
#> ======================================================
#> Sources
#> -------
abe.com : great source of used books, do a search for Crowley and see
the rare book market writ in small

amazon of course is also a great source for university press items and
other more and less well circulated texts. amazon also searches pretty
well on music items, not just books. i know this alt.magick crowd is
inclined to musical intelligence.
Post by tyaginator
#> [BOB]
#> Created and Maintained by Clark A. Elliott; Belmont, MA
#> http://home.earthlink.net/~claelliott/biblioreference.htm
#> [FOR]
#> Forest Books
#> http://www.forestbooks.co.uk/cata99p2.htm
#> [KIES]
#> Kies, Cosette.
#> The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated
#> Bibliography (Hamden, CT: Library Professional
#> Publications, 1986) JFE 86-4887.
#> NOTE 1 -- at notation, an extra quotation mark.
#> removed here for coherency.
#> [MBR]
#> Magic Bibliographies and Resources
#> John-Gabriel Bodard
#> http://www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~lkpbodrd/magbib/fulltext.html
#> [NYPL]
#> The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
#> Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies
#> http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/occult/bibliographies.html
this one is mentioned in liber aba 2000 hb's ed. notes. and biblio info.

check out the items listed in References in liber aba too. there are
some good /general/ references (some 400+ if memory serves) and some
specific to Crowley.
Post by tyaginator
#> END
#> ==============================================================
#> Supplement
I also found
Related Bibliographies
1966 (published -- MPHall)
Hall, Manly P.
Great Books on Religion & Esoteric Philosophy: With
a Bibliography of Related Material Selected from the
Writings of Manly P. Hall
Philosophical Research Society; (+ 1980, 1999)
ASIN: 0893148210; 110 pp.
this one has always looked fun, never got too much chance to look at as
much as i'd like
Post by tyaginator
1980 (published)
Pritchard, Alan
Alchemy: a Bibliography of English-language
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980, pp. 439.
1983 (published)
Gilbert, R.A.
A.E. Waite: A Bibliography;
The Aquarian Press. 1983. ISBN:0850303192
The definitive bibliography of the writings
of A.E. Waite, one of the major architects
of the Occult Revival. [FOR]
Smith, Timothy d'Arch
Montague Summers: a Bibliography of the Works
of Montague Summers
Nicholas Vane, 1964.
New Hyde Park: University Books, 1964.
Spoon River Press, 1983; ISBN: 0850303176.
Blavatsky) Guignette, Jean-Paul,
Bibliography of Biographical Studies on
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891)
Theosophical History Centre 1987, Pamphlet, 12pp.
Yale University Library
Alchemy and the Occult; a Catalogue of Books and
Manuscripts from the Collection of Paul and Mary
Mellon Given to Yale University Library;
ASIN: 0845731181
Yale has quite a bit of the Crowley works, at least if you go by the
cites given in editorial notes. there are roughly eleven main libraries/
collections mentioned in liber aba 2000. This collection is prolly
different than one mentioned in liber aba ed. notes, but there is a
collection prolly next door which hold a collection referred to in liber

After Yale, there is also the collections at Harry Ransom (Utexas at
Austin), and a few other cites that are depended upon throughout the
majority of liber aba's editorial opus/ apparatus. I'm figuring if these
universities bother to keep this magick stuff, what /other/ related
stuff do they also prolly have access to?

anyway, these ed. notes are not to be missed! forget about Crowley, the
Beast, and his magick. these are great pointers for unallied mystics and
free magicians!
Post by tyaginator
#> URLs of Occult Biblios
#> http://www.abardoncompanion.com/Bibliography.html
#> http://www.shadowtarot.net/italiano/articoli/bibliografia%20grant.pdf
interesting collections.
thanks peoplemn, i'll try to review some of these.

2004-05-07 01:23:21 UTC
dngul skarma tathagatgarbha <***@cox.net>:
# abe.com : great source of used books, do a search for Crowley and see
# the rare book market writ in small

# amazon of course is also a great source for university press items and
# other more and less well circulated texts. amazon also searches pretty
# well on music items, not just books. i know this alt.magick crowd is
# inclined to musical intelligence.

very much so. my interest in these sources was their listings of
bibliographical works, rather than their booklistings per se.

#> #> [NYPL]
#> #> The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
#> #> Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies
#> #> http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/occult/bibliographies.html
# this one is mentioned in liber aba 2000 hb's ed. notes. and biblio info.

# check out the items listed in References in liber aba too. there are
# some good /general/ references (some 400+ if memory serves) and some
# specific to Crowley.

is this online somewhere? I haven't ventured into the bibliographies of
published books, though this has occasionally been mentioned (especially
the bibliography in Kieckhefer's "Magic in the Middle Ages" and others).
Liber ABA should indeed have a good biblio, but it isn't a biblio itself,
and I'm not aware that its bibliography is online anywhere. the closest
I can recall is the booklist from "One Star in Sight" or the Crowley
Cross-Index that I mentioned previously. most sources online that I've
seen on Thelemic works are set in the form of booklists, without detail.

I think I should also add the following source for skeptical materials:


#> #> ==============================================================
#> #>
#> #> Supplement

#> Books
#> -----
#> 1966 (published -- MPHall)
#> Hall, Manly P.
#> Great Books on Religion & Esoteric Philosophy: With
#> a Bibliography of Related Material Selected from the
#> Writings of Manly P. Hall
#> Philosophical Research Society; (+ 1980, 1999)
#> ASIN: 0893148210; 110 pp.
# this one has always looked fun, never got too much chance to look at as
# much as i'd like

it is a particular focus (author-/school-orientation much like what would
be a Crowley biblio or one of the others mentioned in this section). his
coverage of magic is sparse, as I recall, as is the case with most
occult sources of the Hermetic style (mysticism adheres to its own).

#> N.D.
#> Yale University Library
#> Alchemy and the Occult; a Catalogue of Books and
#> Manuscripts from the Collection of Paul and Mary
#> Mellon Given to Yale University Library;
#> ASIN: 0845731181

# Yale has quite a bit of the Crowley works, at least if you go by the
# cites given in editorial notes. there are roughly eleven main libraries/
# collections mentioned in liber aba 2000. This collection is prolly
# different than one mentioned in liber aba ed. notes, but there is a
# collection prolly next door which hold a collection referred to in liber
# aba.

# After Yale, there is also the collections at Harry Ransom (Utexas at
# Austin), and a few other cites that are depended upon throughout the
# majority of liber aba's editorial opus/ apparatus. I'm figuring if these
# universities bother to keep this magick stuff, what /other/ related
# stuff do they also prolly have access to?

and do they make bibliography indices available online? Crowley is a
specialized interest that many bibliographical compilers/authors do
not seem to recognize as authoritative or specialized. I haven't
noticed many subsections of his mystical texts (which would be very
important to a Crowleyan or Thelemic/Chaos/et al researcher), for
example, outside the booklists of ceremonial magicians. practitioners
don't usually do that great a job at bibliographic indexing.

# anyway, these ed. notes are not to be missed! forget about Crowley, the
# Beast, and his magick. these are great pointers for unallied mystics and
# free magicians!

thanks. I've got more for those interested in online occult biblios below.

#> #> URLs of Occult Biblios
#> #>
#> #> http://www.abardoncompanion.com/Bibliography.html
#> #> http://www.shadowtarot.net/italiano/articoli/bibliografia%20grant.pdf
#> here's some more of these too:

here's the whole section (supplemental, my own biblio of online occult
biblios ;>) revised to today's contents:

URLs (English +)

































supplement for URLS, please see:


and http://dmoz.org/Society/Folklore/Magic/


and here are some misc mentionables: nonEnglish and nonbibliographic

non-English of note with annotation:
CAILLET, Albert.
Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques ou occultes.Paris, 1912.
Reprint, 1988. ...3 volumes. LXVII, 531 + 533 + 767 pp. in double col.
ISBN 90 6004 399 5

The most important bibliography for all occult sciences.
Lists 11.648 items, with full title, imprint and collation
of each, notes about the books and brief biographical data
about the authors. [CICAP]

Bruno, Sturlese, Rita.
Bibliogafia Censimento E Storia Della Antiche Stampe
Di Giordano Bruno; Olschki 1987, 224pp, plates.

Handsomely printed and published in Florence.
An extensive and detailed sorting out of the
bewildering, exasperatingly complex
bibliography of Bruno. [TOD]


English LServ academic magic study (SASM)


associated periodical:
JSM (Journal for the Academic Study of Magic)
ISBN 1869928 725
ISSN 1479-0750

they seek contributions of an academic occult/magical character!

# thanks peoplemn, i'll try to review some of these.

wonderful! again, if you happen across any more sites which have
magic bibliographies compiled, post their URL here! I've only
really found *2* online so far (previously mentioned, reiterated
here for those who may have missed it and want to know the focus):



dngul skarma tathagatgarbha
2004-05-07 03:54:05 UTC
Post by tyaginator
# abe.com : great source of used books, do a search for Crowley and see
# the rare book market writ in small
# amazon of course is also a great source for university press items and
# other more and less well circulated texts. amazon also searches pretty
# well on music items, not just books. i know this alt.magick crowd is
# inclined to musical intelligence.
very much so. my interest in these sources was their listings of
bibliographical works, rather than their booklistings per se.
don't split hairs with me, tyagi.

Post by tyaginator
#> #> [NYPL]
#> #> The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
#> #> Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies
#> #> http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/occult/bibliographies.html
# this one is mentioned in liber aba 2000 hb's ed. notes. and biblio info.
# check out the items listed in References in liber aba too. there are
# some good /general/ references (some 400+ if memory serves) and some
# specific to Crowley.
is this online somewhere?
NYPL online? not that i know.
or liber aba 2000 with ed. notes online?
the latter w/o ed. notes, ref. etc. i've seen, or something close.

i'll follow up to report details i've scanned regarding magick
bibliography/ references.
Post by tyaginator
I haven't ventured into the bibliographies of
published books, though this has occasionally been mentioned (especially
the bibliography in Kieckhefer's "Magic in the Middle Ages" and others).
ooh, sounds like a good wun.
Post by tyaginator
Liber ABA should indeed have a good biblio, but it isn't a biblio itself,
and I'm not aware that its bibliography is online anywhere.
no but the references and other materials are ample enough indications
in most cases as far as i can tell.
Post by tyaginator
the closest
I can recall is the booklist from "One Star in Sight" or the Crowley
Cross-Index that I mentioned previously.
well, since the equinox volumes were called "the encyclopeadia of
initiation" i figured mention of aba's ed. references was possibly
helpful. if not, i apologize. of course 777 is claimed to be
encyclopaedic, so there is that too.
Post by tyaginator
most sources online that I've
seen on Thelemic works are set in the form of booklists, without detail.
#> #> ==============================================================
#> #>
#> #> Supplement
#> Books
#> -----
#> 1966 (published -- MPHall)
#> Hall, Manly P.
#> Great Books on Religion & Esoteric Philosophy: With
#> a Bibliography of Related Material Selected from the
#> Writings of Manly P. Hall
#> Philosophical Research Society; (+ 1980, 1999)
#> ASIN: 0893148210; 110 pp.
# this one has always looked fun, never got too much chance to look at as
# much as i'd like
it is a particular focus (author-/school-orientation much like what would
be a Crowley biblio or one of the others mentioned in this section). his
coverage of magic is sparse, as I recall, as is the case with most
occult sources of the Hermetic style (mysticism adheres to its own).
#> N.D.
#> Yale University Library
#> Alchemy and the Occult; a Catalogue of Books and
#> Manuscripts from the Collection of Paul and Mary
#> Mellon Given to Yale University Library;
#> ASIN: 0845731181
# Yale has quite a bit of the Crowley works, at least if you go by the
# cites given in editorial notes. there are roughly eleven main libraries/
# collections mentioned in liber aba 2000. This collection is prolly
# different than one mentioned in liber aba ed. notes, but there is a
# collection prolly next door which hold a collection referred to in liber
# aba.
# After Yale, there is also the collections at Harry Ransom (Utexas at
# Austin), and a few other cites that are depended upon throughout the
# majority of liber aba's editorial opus/ apparatus. I'm figuring if these
# universities bother to keep this magick stuff, what /other/ related
# stuff do they also prolly have access to?
and do they make bibliography indices available online?
actually, i don't know about Yale -but the Harry Ransom Library
(UTexas) has an intensely good site, with a good entrie on AC. These
collections have to hold similarly good occult biblios.
Post by tyaginator
Crowley is a
specialized interest that many bibliographical compilers/authors do
not seem to recognize as authoritative or specialized.
Sure, I would not challenge this generally.
Post by tyaginator
I haven't
noticed many subsections of his mystical texts (which would be very
important to a Crowleyan or Thelemic/Chaos/et al researcher), for
example, outside the booklists of ceremonial magicians.
this seems true. though, perhaps his influence is felt otherwise.
Post by tyaginator
don't usually do that great a job at bibliographic indexing.
# anyway, these ed. notes are not to be missed! forget about Crowley, the
# Beast, and his magick. these are great pointers for unallied mystics and
# free magicians!
thanks. I've got more for those interested in online occult biblios below.
#> #> URLs of Occult Biblios
#> #>
#> #> http://www.abardoncompanion.com/Bibliography.html
#> #> http://www.shadowtarot.net/italiano/articoli/bibliografia%20grant.pdf
here's the whole section (supplemental, my own biblio of online occult
URLs (English +)
Post by tyaginator
Post by tyaginator
who woulda known? cool site!
Post by tyaginator
Post by tyaginator
seen this one, this one is good
Post by tyaginator
magic in ten weeks! cool.
Post by tyaginator
databases on nett!
Post by tyaginator
anthropologie iz not to miss
Post by tyaginator
this one looks rather exhaustive, unique study(ies)
Post by tyaginator
good 'un
Post by tyaginator
amazing, nothing short of amazing
Post by tyaginator
and http://dmoz.org/Society/Folklore/Magic/
and here are some misc mentionables: nonEnglish and nonbibliographic
CAILLET, Albert.
Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques ou occultes.Paris, 1912.
Reprint, 1988. ...3 volumes. LXVII, 531 + 533 + 767 pp. in double col.
ISBN 90 6004 399 5
The most important bibliography for all occult sciences.
Lists 11.648 items, with full title, imprint and collation
of each, notes about the books and brief biographical data
about the authors. [CICAP]
Bruno, Sturlese, Rita.
Bibliogafia Censimento E Storia Della Antiche Stampe
Di Giordano Bruno; Olschki 1987, 224pp, plates.
Handsomely printed and published in Florence.
An extensive and detailed sorting out of the
bewildering, exasperatingly complex
bibliography of Bruno. [TOD]
English LServ academic magic study (SASM)
JSM (Journal for the Academic Study of Magic)
ISBN 1869928 725
ISSN 1479-0750
they seek contributions of an academic occult/magical character!
# thanks peoplemn, i'll try to review some of these.
wonderful! again, if you happen across any more sites which have
magic bibliographies compiled, post their URL here! I've only
really found *2* online so far (previously mentioned, reiterated
one of my watchwords in magic as in life has been variety, looking
sometimes in unexpected over- or underlooked places...

thanks for the garlands,
2004-05-08 08:26:15 UTC
dngul skarma tathagatgarbha <***@cox.net> writes:
# tyaginator wrote:
#> dngul skarma tathagatgarbha <***@cox.net>:
#># abe.com : great source of used books, do a search for Crowley and see
#># the rare book market writ in small
#># amazon of course is also a great source for university press items and
#># other more and less well circulated texts. amazon also searches pretty
#># well on music items, not just books. i know this alt.magick crowd is
#># inclined to musical intelligence.
#> very much so. my interest in these sources was their listings of
#> bibliographical works, rather than their booklistings per se.
# don't split hairs with me, tyagi.
# <g>

!LOL it's true! I have been preparing for general reference only!! :>

#>#> #> [NYPL]
#>#> #> The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
#>#> #> Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies
#>#> #> http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/occult/bibliographies.html
#># this one is mentioned in liber aba 2000 hb's ed. notes. and biblio info.
#># check out the items listed in References in liber aba too. there are
#># some good /general/ references (some 400+ if memory serves) and some
#># specific to Crowley.
#> is this online somewhere?
# NYPL online? not that i know.


# or liber aba 2000 with ed. notes online?

that is the one, yes.

# the latter w/o ed. notes, ref. etc. i've seen, or something close.
# i'll follow up to report details i've scanned regarding magick
# bibliography/ references.

thanks!!! I doubt that it is, proprietary to the order or something.

#> I haven't ventured into the bibliographies of published books,
#> though this has occasionally been mentioned (especially the
#> bibliography in Kieckhefer's "Magic in the Middle Ages" and
#> others).
# ooh, sounds like a good wun.

correction: it's not a bibliography, but a "Further Reading"
section. it includes 7 titles in 'GENERAL' section, 3 of which
were known to me previously, and 2 were non-English, the remaining
2 being particularly

The Magic Makers: Magic and Sorcery Through the Ages
David Carroll, New York: Arbor House, 1974.

and 'Some Medieval Conceptions of Magic', by Lynn Thorndike, A.M.
in *The Monist*, Number 25, (1915), pp 107-39.

I plan to obtain the first. Thorndike's "The Place of Magic
in the Intellectual History of Europe" AMS, 1967, 1905 text is
classic for his period. background sociology and anthropology,
very down to earth, skeptical.

#> the closest
#> I can recall is the booklist from "One Star in Sight" or the Crowley
#> Cross-Index that I mentioned previously.

ok, I'll look....

I found this:

A Crowley Cross-Index:
William Parfitt & Andrew Drylie, 1976, ZRQ. pp 36.
ISBN: [does it have one?]

One of the original works compiling
Crowley's writings. [666]

# well, since the equinox volumes were called "the encyclopeadia of
# initiation" i figured mention of aba's ed. references was possibly
# helpful.....

very, thanks.

# These collections have to hold similarly good occult biblios.

thanks! I'll check them for bibliographies :>

# one of my watchwords in magic as in life has been variety,
# looking sometimes in unexpected over- or underlooked places...
# thanks for the garlands,


those I'd known previously included Richard Cavendish's
"A History of Magic" (Taplinger, 1977), and Frances King's
"Magic: The Western Tradition (Thames & Hudson, 1975),
both of them a surprise.

Thorndike's 8 volume masterpiece constitutes the remaining
volume in his GENERAL section. they've reprinted that recently.


now adding this source for Crowleyan materials and watching
for others.


***@nagasiva; http://www.satanservice.org/
emailed replies may be posted; cc replies if response desired;
HOODOO CATALOGUE! send street addy to: ***@luckymojo.com
dngul skarma tathagatgarbha
2004-05-08 15:49:49 UTC
Post by tyaginator
#># abe.com : great source of used books, do a search for Crowley and see
#># the rare book market writ in small
#> #># amazon of course is also a great source for university press items and
#># other more and less well circulated texts. amazon also searches pretty
#># well on music items, not just books. i know this alt.magick crowd is
#># inclined to musical intelligence.
#> #> very much so. my interest in these sources was their listings of
#> bibliographical works, rather than their booklistings per se.
# don't split hairs with me, tyagi.
# <g>
!LOL it's true! I have been preparing for general reference only!! :>
#>#> #> [NYPL]
#>#> #> The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences
#>#> #> Library: Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies
#>#> #> http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/occult/bibliographies.html
#># this one is mentioned in liber aba 2000 hb's ed. notes. and biblio info.
#> #># check out the items listed in References in liber aba too. there are
#># some good /general/ references (some 400+ if memory serves) and some
#># specific to Crowley.
#> #> is this online somewhere?
# NYPL online? not that i know.
# or liber aba 2000 with ed. notes online?
that is the one, yes.
this'll prolly not be avail. anytime soon. however, the meat of most of
the editorial apparatus seems easy enough to grok for an already
somewhat studied magician/ 'Crowleyan.'
Post by tyaginator
# the latter w/o ed. notes, ref. etc. i've seen, or something close.
# i'll follow up to report details i've scanned regarding magick
# bibliography/ references.
thanks!!! I doubt that it is, proprietary to the order or something.
i followed up and started marking up my new Equinox volumes (IV:1 and
IV:2 Weiser 1996, 1998), only the editorial sections. most of the ed.
notes in the two newer Equinox volumes repeats, or otherwise enlarges
upon similar points as the many of the same libraries, collections,
authors, etc. as the Liber ABA big blue brick (2000) mentioned.

one interesting variant i found right away, however, in the two newer
equinoxes: altare and cvbicvlvm at occcidente in grimorrivm
sanctissimvm's beginning.
Post by tyaginator
#> I haven't ventured into the bibliographies of published books,
#> though this has occasionally been mentioned (especially the
#> bibliography in Kieckhefer's "Magic in the Middle Ages" and
#> others).
# ooh, sounds like a good wun.
correction: it's not a bibliography, but a "Further Reading"
section. it includes 7 titles in 'GENERAL' section, 3 of which
were known to me previously, and 2 were non-English, the remaining
2 being particularly
The Magic Makers: Magic and Sorcery Through the Ages
David Carroll, New York: Arbor House, 1974.
and 'Some Medieval Conceptions of Magic', by Lynn Thorndike, A.M.
in *The Monist*, Number 25, (1915), pp 107-39.
I plan to obtain the first. Thorndike's "The Place of Magic
in the Intellectual History of Europe" AMS, 1967, 1905 text is
classic for his period. background sociology and anthropology,
very down to earth, skeptical.
Thanks for the Thorndike ref. There are a lot of holes in my education.
Too much reading, not enough time. :)
Post by tyaginator
#> the closest
#> I can recall is the booklist from "One Star in Sight" or the Crowley
#> Cross-Index that I mentioned previously.
ok, I'll look....
William Parfitt & Andrew Drylie, 1976, ZRQ. pp 36.
ISBN: [does it have one?]
One of the original works compiling
Crowley's writings. [666]
Yup, this one also gets mentioned. I haven't seen it, though i am sure
it clears up some technical liber numbering confusions and whatnot.

redflame is the other oto-allied source i like for most of my
'encyclopeadia of initiation' or related questions.
Post by tyaginator
# well, since the equinox volumes were called "the encyclopeadia of
# initiation" i figured mention of aba's ed. references was possibly
# helpful.....
very, thanks.
# These collections have to hold similarly good occult biblios.
thanks! I'll check them for bibliographies :>
# one of my watchwords in magic as in life has been variety,
# looking sometimes in unexpected over- or underlooked places...
# thanks for the garlands,
those I'd known previously included Richard Cavendish's
"A History of Magic" (Taplinger, 1977), and Frances King's
"Magic: The Western Tradition (Thames & Hudson, 1975),
both of them a surprise.
Thorndike's 8 volume masterpiece constitutes the remaining
volume in his GENERAL section. they've reprinted that recently.
now adding this source for Crowleyan materials and watching
for others.
all women are yours,
2004-05-22 02:12:23 UTC
Joseph Littleshoes <***@pacbell.net>:
# Hoping i am not overlooking the obvious here but i did not see the Crowley
# bibliography listed. I don't have a publishing history for it and i only
# recall seeing it once in Shambala book store many years ago....
# a vanity press or self published local text.

was it a book, or a pamphlet? saddle-stitch or square-bound?
author/editor? I've been finding more URLs related to AC
booklists (see below), and a couple (Parfitt? Yorke?) beyond this.

# ...As far as i know except for
# a couple of examples none of the "un - published" stuff he left such
# masses of has ever been gone through and gathered into a workable format.

that's one thing which I *have* seen in electronic form, but it was part of
the University of TX collection correspondence listings, as I recall, and
possibly an internal list for the use of that collection and/or the OTO
(as its copyright owner).

here's what I found the other day that was Crowley-related:

an AC Bios [Crowley Biography Booklist]

Part of the RedFlame Website (http://www.redflame93.com/)

the easiest way to find a bibliography online I've found is to search at Google
for it using the form '<topic> bibliography'. here are some of the responses I
got when using 'Crowley bibliography' and '"Aleister Crowley" bibliography':

Aleister Crowley: Bibliography

Part of the Poetry Archive (http://www.poetry-archive.com/)

Aleister Crowley Bibliography

A comprehensive annotated study in the Early Published Works
of Sir Aleister Edward Crowley. Compiled by Gerald Yorke

This annotated bibliography describes the binding,
collation, different editions, publishing dates, (etc)
of all the books published by, for & about Aleister
Crowley during his lifetime. Starting with the
privately printed 1898 Aceldama, and ending with
the 1948 The Last Ritual. The bibliography separates
Crowley's published works into seven categories;
Poetry, Erotica, Plays & Novels, Magical & Thelemic
Writings, Translations, Pamphlets & Broadsides, and
Miscellaneous works. Useful to the Crowley collector. [TRI]


Aleister Crowley Bibliography



plus there's also a booklist or two (w/ scant biblio info) at:

Index of the Technical Writings of Aleister Crowley

and The Libri of Aleister Crowley

Additional Source
(for annotation)



2004-05-22 02:30:09 UTC
50040521 vii om


Re Crowley Bibliographies and Reference Sources

tyaginator <***@nagasiva>:
# http://www.redflame93.com/ACBios.html
# ==========================================================
# Part of the RedFlame Website (http://www.redflame93.com/)
# the easiest way to find a bibliography online I've found is to search at Google
# for it using the form '<topic> bibliography'. here are some of the responses I
# got when using 'Crowley bibliography' and '"Aleister Crowley" bibliography':

a couple more to add to this set I found the other day and put aside until now:

Bill Heidrick's Cross References

and the basic foundation from within which the above may be found:

A Guide to the Works of Edward Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)

# -------------------------------
# Aleister Crowley: Bibliography
# http://www.poetry-archive.com/c/crowley_aleister_bibliography.html
# ============================================================
# Part of the Poetry Archive (http://www.poetry-archive.com/)
# ------------------------------
# Aleister Crowley Bibliography
# A comprehensive annotated study in the Early Published Works
# of Sir Aleister Edward Crowley. Compiled by Gerald Yorke
# This annotated bibliography describes the binding,
# collation, different editions, publishing dates, (etc)
# of all the books published by, for & about Aleister
# Crowley during his lifetime. Starting with the
# privately printed 1898 Aceldama, and ending with
# the 1948 The Last Ritual. The bibliography separates
# Crowley's published works into seven categories;
# Poetry, Erotica, Plays & Novels, Magical & Thelemic
# Writings, Translations, Pamphlets & Broadsides, and
# Miscellaneous works. Useful to the Crowley collector. [TRI]
# http://www.tridentbooks.us/acbiblio.html
# ------------------------------
# Aleister Crowley Bibliography
# http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Aleister_Crowley.htm
# -------------------------------

these will be intgrated into the Occult Bibliographies website at



Bill Heidrick
2004-05-22 13:02:12 UTC
Post by tyaginator
Bill Heidrick's Cross References
The site's still up and planned to continue, but that URL is being
phased out. All you will find there now is a link to the proper site


The Crowley index link to back issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendar on
that page accesses over 200 Crowley items, mainly rare or hard to
find articles and letters. Most of these are not directly Magick or
Thelema related, but quite a few are. All told, there are 19 megs of
material on the site, with the Crowley material in the minority. The
bulk of it is back issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendar, two new
issues of the Thelema Community Calendar (which replaces the TLC) and
a few megs of my own stuff.

93 93/93
Bill Heidrick
2004-05-28 23:05:31 UTC
Post by tyaginator
# Hoping i am not overlooking the obvious here but i did not see the Crowley
# bibliography listed. I don't have a publishing history for it and i only
# recall seeing it once in Shambala book store many years ago....
# a vanity press or self published local text.
was it a book, or a pamphlet? saddle-stitch or square-bound?
author/editor? I've been finding more URLs related to AC
booklists (see below), and a couple (Parfitt? Yorke?) beyond this.
# ...As far as i know except for
# a couple of examples none of the "un - published" stuff he left such
# masses of has ever been gone through and gathered into a workable format.
that's one thing which I *have* seen in electronic form, but it was part of
the University of TX collection correspondence listings, as I recall, and
possibly an internal list for the use of that collection and/or the OTO
(as its copyright owner).
an AC Bios [Crowley Biography Booklist]
Part of the RedFlame Website (http://www.redflame93.com/)
the easiest way to find a bibliography online I've found is to search at Google
for it using the form '<topic> bibliography'. here are some of the responses I
Aleister Crowley: Bibliography
Part of the Poetry Archive (http://www.poetry-archive.com/)
Aleister Crowley Bibliography
A comprehensive annotated study in the Early Published Works
of Sir Aleister Edward Crowley. Compiled by Gerald Yorke
This annotated bibliography describes the binding,
collation, different editions, publishing dates, (etc)
of all the books published by, for & about Aleister
Crowley during his lifetime. Starting with the
privately printed 1898 Aceldama, and ending with
the 1948 The Last Ritual. The bibliography separates
Crowley's published works into seven categories;
Poetry, Erotica, Plays & Novels, Magical & Thelemic
Writings, Translations, Pamphlets & Broadsides, and
Miscellaneous works. Useful to the Crowley collector. [TRI]
Aleister Crowley Bibliography
Index of the Technical Writings of Aleister Crowley
and The Libri of Aleister Crowley
Additional Source
(for annotation)
50040521 vii om
Re Crowley Bibliographies and Reference Sources
# http://www.redflame93.com/ACBios.html
# ==========================================================
# Part of the RedFlame Website (http://www.redflame93.com/)
# the easiest way to find a bibliography online I've found is to search at Google
# for it using the form '<topic> bibliography'. here are some of the responses I
Bill Heidrick's Cross References
A Guide to the Works of Edward Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)
# -------------------------------
# Aleister Crowley: Bibliography
# http://www.poetry-archive.com/c/crowley_aleister_bibliography.html
# ============================================================
# Part of the Poetry Archive (http://www.poetry-archive.com/)
# ------------------------------
# Aleister Crowley Bibliography
# A comprehensive annotated study in the Early Published Works
# of Sir Aleister Edward Crowley. Compiled by Gerald Yorke
# This annotated bibliography describes the binding,
# collation, different editions, publishing dates, (etc)
# of all the books published by, for & about Aleister
# Crowley during his lifetime. Starting with the
# privately printed 1898 Aceldama, and ending with
# the 1948 The Last Ritual. The bibliography separates
# Crowley's published works into seven categories;
# Poetry, Erotica, Plays & Novels, Magical & Thelemic
# Writings, Translations, Pamphlets & Broadsides, and
# Miscellaneous works. Useful to the Crowley collector. [TRI]
# http://www.tridentbooks.us/acbiblio.html
# ------------------------------
# Aleister Crowley Bibliography
# http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Aleister_Crowley.htm
# -------------------------------
these will be intgrated into the Occult Bibliographies website at
OK here ya go, my start on organizing, indexing, dating etc. some of
these Crowley libers:

can't get right now the written/ composed dates on /all/ these yet...
but the first pub dates and places are mostly public domain/ known already.

here's the general form:

book-written | composed-versions | published editions known about or
guessed at

1. Liber Xxxi: (Liber AL MS facsimile reproduced 10% original) :
written/ received by dclxvi and rose edith crowley, 'Aiwass' as the
Minister of Hoor Paar Kraat or "the Speaker" apr. 8-10, 1904 an. 0-
al-Cahira: published Spring 1912 Eq. I(7) an. viii
2. Liber Ccxx: based on TS corrupted: 1909 privately pub. in a one /and/
three volume edition volume called "Thelema" ou "TE | LH | MA" Chiswick
London: appeared in late 1909 maybe earlier?: an. v
3. Liber L: of the Cairo Working March-Apr. 1904: Eq. I(10) Fall 1913 an. ix
4. Tunis edition: incl. comment in class A: 'after 22 years of
preparation': Tunis 1925-6 ou an. Xxi-xxii: from the Lair of the Lion;
around the same time, <<An Extenuation>> is also published around this time
5. Book 4 part iii: written from ca. 1910- 1928 (an. v- an. Iii) Magick
in Theory and Practice- being Book 4, part III publ. late 1929 (an.
Iiii) Lecram Paris 4 vo. edition, London one volume subscriber edition
1930: it's tangled history is very interesting beyond any interest in
the topics danced around in this bizarre little opus
6. The text of Liber AL + Genesis Libri AL with class A comment and MS.:
Equinox of the Gods : Eq. III(3) Fall 1936 [Magick w/o Tears says this
Equinox of the Gods volume is really Book 4 part IV]
7. Liber Vii written 11pm Oct. 29, 1907 an. iii, published privately an.
v 1909 in vo. ii of TE | LH | MA Chiswick London
8. Liber Lxv written Oct. 30- Nov. 3, 1907 an. iii published privately
an. v 1909 in vo. i of TE | LH | MA Chiswick London
9. Liber Lxvi written Nov. 25, 1907 an. iii published Eq. I (7) Spr.
1912 an. viii
10. Liber Ccxxxi written dec. 5-6 1907 (the fifth and sixth composed
'arcana in Atus of Tahuti' & 'Sigils of Genii&c.' and Dec. 14, 1907 for
'Sigilla 22' portion of Liber) and versification compased sometime in
1911: publ. Eq. I (7) Spr. 1912 an. viii
11. Liber X written dec. 12, 1907 publ. Eq. I (6) fall 1911 an. vii
12. Liber Cd written dec. 13, 1907 publ. Eq. I (7)
13. Liber Xxvii written dec. 14, 1907 publ. Eq I (7)
14. Liber Dcccxiii written sometime in 1907-8 publ. privately in TE | LH
|MA 1909 vo. iii Chiswick London
15. Liber I written sometime in 1911: pub. Eq. I(6) Fall 1911 London
16. Liber Xc written 1911: pub. Eq. I (6)
17. Liber cLXVI written 1911: pub. Eq. I (6)
18. Liber cCCLXX written 1911: pub. Eq. I (6)
19. Liber Cdxv written 1915: publ. ? 1970's? Class AB
20. Liber 963 class AB (only short introductory note is in class a):
published Eq. I(3)
21. 333: published 1913, commentary written 1921
22. the world's tragedy: publ. 1910 Paris
23. Konx om Pax: started Aug. 1906 (date <<invocation of the ring>> in
Liber Xcv is written)
Ali Sloper: Dec. 18, 1906
xLI Feb 22, 1907
The Stone composed July 1907
issued Feb. 1908
24. Eight Lectures on Yoga composed Jan.- Feb. 1937 right around time of
Sino-Japanese War
25. Tao te Ching or Te tao Ching Eq. III(8) publ. 1975, composed 1918?
26. Liber Aleph: composed 1916- 1920? publ. 1961-2
27. Liber Oz: publ. 1941
28. Liber 777- published anonymously 1909
29. Clouds Without Water: published 1909 author pseudonymous: "Rev. C.
Verey" sections I-IV inspired by 17-year old Vera Snepp
30. Liber Xxi: composed 1918 published 1939
31. Little Essays Towrd Truth: published 1938
32. Liber CCXLII composed Sept. 1909
33. Heart of the Master: first published in German 1925, first published
English version 1938 as "Khaled Khan" including 34.-35.
34. "A Biographical Note by "Gerard Aumont" (AC)
35. The Meditteranean Manifesto (composed late Sept. 1924 delivered
March 5-April 5, 1925 Sidi Bou Said?)
36. "Old Comment" (previously "The Comment") Eq. I(7)
37. Collected Works: published 1905-7 in three volumes and a traveller's
one-volume edition
38. ?

am collecting more dates, places, titles, and whatnot.

corrections, additions, suggestions welcome

there iz a fairly short list of institutions, private collectors, and
whatnot that keep popping up in my searches, will post these too as soon
as iz proper, along with the other interesting, related finds. will
follow mla or some system later if needed, but for now, it is fast and
loose. id est, will neaten up all this in a more tabular format if and
when i get to it...

attacking this fairly methodically, relying on the editor's
introductions, references, principal editions, &c. in various modern
editions, some material in Confessions, and most prominently, the work
already done by HBeta, redflame and other many more or less well-known
persons/ sources.

BTW, don't actually /own/ any old version of any of these books
(thirtie-three and poor), but the recent work done here really doesn't
make this too important, only mentioned in case someone hits me up for
somethihg rare: I don't have anything, man! Leave me alone. <g>

Magick Without Tears letter on <<Prophecy>> is a not bad starting point/
rallying point to these weird windlestraws.
Post by tyaginator
do what thou wilt
2004 Copyright Ordo Templ Orientis
[first saw, advertised March ] i acquired sometime after April
8-10, but
Post by tyaginator
i think i saw a copy in late March, or early April.
the printed date internally on Copyright, Library of Congress cataloging
info page says:
first publishing in 2004 by Red Wheel/ Weiser, LLC

published in arrangement with Thelema Media, LLC

Copyright 1926, 1938, 2004 Ordo Templi Orientis

however, a bookseller sticker said it was received mid-march sometime
the exact dates on these things are never very exact unless you bother
to look at more than shipping records etc.
i don't know the exact date, go to ThelemaMedia or York Beach.
Post by tyaginator
This sets the nu standard for altar fetishes for the avid thelemicisst/
or its merely a nice nu edition.
either way, i recommend it
Post by tyaginator
1. the cover is durable
the color advertised is well represented on the web, this is the color
of the hardcover
she is bright orange-red spangled with _gold_ and pure white
the cover materials is slick, pliant, porous and opaque
what is it? it is a bizarre clothbound volume (similar to the third of
volume three of the private Thelema 1909- coloured similarly?)
yes, you have other version of Liber AL, but this one takes the cake
the gold is shiny and turns black in the right ambient light, raised
the white is matte and stands nicely out from the brilliant orange-red
background, like shiny dancing bones

the durable cover a deep red- this red is probably what makes it QP not
ou clothbound?
It looks and feels like a hardback or clothbound to me. I suppose
there's no one to say that some quality paperback masquerade as hardback
or clothbound - as far as i can tell it is a clothbound
hard cover the way i normally define clothbound or hardback

whatever. which i don't care, just noting. It may be classified as
'quality paperback' but she is hard and durable, not flimsy. this is
another 'brick' from the O.T.O.

i am still hoping volume IV no. (3) will still hit the shelves sometime
Post by tyaginator
2. the pages are sturdy, and not cheap
IOW, white, no tacky gold edges
too expensive to do this feature decently (e.g. usd$100 for Dali deck
which is similarly outfitted with gold edges)

thick paper: i.e. for the serious collector in you, not for casual
introduction unless you have money to burn
Post by tyaginator
Every page is too thick, like you were going to cut animal hides on it,
replaced it within a week or so]
I just espied the facsimile pages, these are some 60% original, 600 dpi
i think, from Liber ABA 1994,7
these pages are all sturdy, this is the forbidden study version i
think <g>
Post by tyaginator
the pages are seriously nice
the facs. pages are also especially clear for those accustommed to
squinting past floods of grey
this MS seems so well preserved and white (?!) considering its strange
circuitous histories
design colors throughout consistent, balanced in golden ration amounts
of greyscale, red bright scarlet, black, white
go buy
Post by tyaginator
this book! if all the black ink faded, the red ink would surely make up
for it! the book is worth seventeen dollars for the red parts
alone, not
Post by tyaginator
including the silk place holder, which is red
the OTO seal is also red
the page numbers are red
4. editiones principes ou references et editorial note
since i've never bothered to buy a silly concordance, i keep forgetting
when book supposedly saw print etc.
voila, problem <largely?> solved with references
the editorial note further details the design and logik of the >edition
executive summary to some of the editorial: this edition is a
combination of two printings:
1926 Tunis and
1938 London

a) focus on the MS i.e. materials drawn from Tunis 1926 version
b) corrected reprint, last executed by WTSmith & approved by Author/
scribe AC
Post by tyaginator
5. broadsheet style notices are the back exit to this volume
these two pages would make an excellent print, same size or larger
or tee-shirts?
Post by tyaginator
6. what is reproduction is the age of art? buy this book for a
friend if
Post by tyaginator
not for yourself: spread the meme
7. the typeface is just consistently unobtrusive and energetic
throughout, a feast for your tired eyes. much better than what i am
accustomed to.
8. i really liked the publishing title page ou publishers frontispiece
(page 3) advertising weiser books in assoc. with OTO etc.
the floral border design seems very like mc escher or like the arts and
crafts style
rose edith crowley gets hir credit along with 'aleister' - long
past due
Post by tyaginator
credit given, a fine memorial
similarly good: the shiny gold fleurons (?) on the cover
depressed like a stamp, forming a small plain, pointing variously in/ out
Post by tyaginator
9. the design and execution of this book as a whole is flawless as far
as i can tell
the great talismanic power of the book will surely reward its
Post by tyaginator
and creators with obscenely rich karma</assumption twentie-three>
the talismanic power of liber legis addressed in the Prophecy letter

wikipedia wwI:
diplomatic origins:
student. Serb Bosnian, a Gavrilo Princip by Sarajevoassassinated in
throne, was June 28, 1914, Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and heir
to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was


Much of the fallen Chancellor's work was undone in the following
decades, as Wilhelm failed to renew the arrangement with Russia,
presenting republican France with the opportunity to conclude (1891-94)
a full alliance with the Russian Empire. Worse was to follow, as Wilhelm
undertook (1897-1900) the creation of a German navy capable of
threatening Britain's century-old naval mastery, prompting the Anglo-French
1904 of Entente Cordiale

and its expansion (1907) to include Russia.

i hope all our students know about Entente Cordiale
despite it's age- heard one brief story on it before the date

end: Aug 1918 ev

[alongside this:
Equinox volumes 1 numbers 1-10 1909-1913]

wikipedia wwII:
The war in Europe began on September 1st, 1939, when German troops
invaded Poland. However Japan had invaded China in 1937, and this is
sometimes considered to be the real start of the war.

circa 1904 april 8-10 cairo working
exact details impossible to determine as far as i can tell, but
make no mistake, conscious fabrication or no, this is one of the
/entente cordiale/ dates. else, i suppose it depends on your
thelemicicity er
sumthin. you make your own call. id est, there is not universal
agreement that AC recieved the book on the dates he claimed. Certainly,
it seems he penned it very close to this same date he claims, as I've
seen no compelling evidence to suggest otherwise, and all the evidence
in the world to think it likely that if it wasn't al-Cahira April 1904,
it was a timeplacefix not too far away.

1909 ThE | LH | MA
privately published
London Chiswick Press

1912 March
Equinox vol. i no. vii An. viii
10% reproduction facsimile
London Wieland & Co.

September 1913
Equinox Vol. One Number Ten
Sol in Libra
originally titled Liber L
London Wieland & Co.

[June 18, 1914 - start of WWI]

1926 Tunis An. Io Sol Aries Luna Pisces
From the Lair of the Lion
extremely limited. eleven copies eight reserved to friends.
comes with a box, how antique!

1936 Equinox volume iii no. iii/: Equinox of the Gods
London issued by the O.T.O.
facsimile MS without reduction (?!)

the really important one here, is 'how thou didst come hither'
EotG not identified as such internally, but MWoTears says it is part
four of book four (started with Ab ul Diz 1910, see Equinox vol. iv no. ii)

['real start' of world war II (according to wikipedia) is 1937, Japan
invades China: Sino-Japanese War: Battle of Lugou Bridge - Japanese
forces invade China] source: wikipedia

An. Ixi Sol in Capricorn
December 1937- another private issue by the O.T.O.

London March 1938
and a subsequent subscriber's edition

March 1938 London
Liber Legis: first non-private book/volume dedicated to Liber AL alone

March 1938 Pasadena, CA
in the interim, the title has changed a bit, but remains largely the same:
added punctuation for clarity, a graph or two, pen marks, coffee stain,
and little else that i can tell, but its a long way from here to there

approved by Author after publication
ed. Wilfred Talbot Smith

[Sept. 1939 official start of world war II)
Post by tyaginator
in my humble opinion, the design does the text justice: i am putting my
17$ where me mouth is, twice at least
re: the contents and organization of texts: i liked the fact that the
/introduction/ [thee five part manifesto declaration] is included
Post by tyaginator
with (written1925 Tunis) /the introductory note to al/
10. fine attention to detail all around, haven't noticed any obvious
goofs (such as printer gremlin variety) yet
11. all this and a nice photographic reprint of the painted wooden stel
of ankh af na khonsu (fl. ca. 26th dynasty)? for seventeen measlie
bucks? the symbolic gesture of /buying/ this strange volume (let alone
owning or buring a copy) iz worth at least this much
love under will,
2004-06-10 01:34:51 UTC
50040609 viii om!

DngulSkarmaTathagatgarbha <astrum-***@cox.net>:
# ...the general form:
# book-written | composed-versions | published editions known
# | | about or guessed at

Title | Origination Data | Publishing Data

criteria for the sequence of you listing?
some use 'origin date', some 'title', or other.

<snippage of data>

interesting start. thanks for your work. when you've got something
of a final draft up online, please let me know where it resides. :>

# am collecting more dates, places, titles, and whatnot.


# corrections, additions, suggestions welcome

if I see anything that I understand constitutes a correction, I'll
let you know. contact me provately at ***@nagasiva if you
are working on a bibliography you are going to put up online and
want a copy of the Cross-Index via snailmail.

# there iz a fairly short list of institutions, private collectors,
# and whatnot that keep popping up in my searches, will post these
# too as soon as iz proper, along with the other interesting,
# related finds.

thanks! your efforts are very much welcomed! :>

# will follow mla or some system later if needed, but for now,
# it is fast and loose. id est, will neaten up all this in a more
# tabular format if and when i get to it...


# attacking this fairly methodically, relying on the editor's
# introductions, references, principal editions, &c. in various
# modern editions, some material in Confessions, and most
# prominently, the work already done by HBeta, redflame and
# other many more or less well-known persons/ sources.

thanks. a list of sources at the end of your bibliography is
also very helpful. the Crowley Cross-Index didn't include that.

# BTW, don't actually /own/ any old version of any of these books
# (thirtie-three and poor), but the recent work done here really
# doesn't make this too important, only mentioned in case someone
# hits me up for somethihg rare: I don't have anything, man!
# Leave me alone. <g>


thanks again.

2004-06-12 18:47:03 UTC
Post by tyaginator
50040609 viii om!
# book-written | composed-versions | published editions known
# | | about or guessed at
Title | Origination Data | Publishing Data
criteria for the sequence of you listing?
no real criteria for now except loose catagories like:
'i like this book' or
'this book is Class A, that book is Class B, &c.'
i will note however, that /chronology/ is foremost among my concerns,
and I have heard others echo this a few times on usenet and elsewhere
(along the lines of: "i'd really like to trace the development of AC's
thought, does anyone have a chronological listing of book swritten by
the Beast 666..." &c.). So I will either generally follow one of a few

a) intellectual development (e.g. focus on Liber AL publications and
tracing a tentative trajectory)
b) chronology
c) class a, b, c, d, e, &c.

other possible suggestions on sequences are welcome.
Post by tyaginator
some use 'origin date', some 'title', or other.
<snippage of data> interesting start. thanks for your work. when you've got something
of a final draft up online, please let me know where it resides. :>
OK. I might hit you up and ask you to post it on your site. Therefore,
for now, your input is most appreciated.
Post by tyaginator
# am collecting more dates, places, titles, and whatnot.
# corrections, additions, suggestions welcome
if I see anything that I understand constitutes a correction, I'll
are working on a bibliography you are going to put up online and
want a copy of the Cross-Index via snailmail.
thanks, will do.
Post by tyaginator
# there iz a fairly short list of institutions, private collectors,
# and whatnot that keep popping up in my searches, will post these
# too as soon as iz proper, along with the other interesting,
# related finds.
thanks! your efforts are very much welcomed! :>
# will follow mla or some system later if needed, but for now,
# it is fast and loose. id est, will neaten up all this in a more
# tabular format if and when i get to it...
# attacking this fairly methodically, relying on the editor's
# introductions, references, principal editions, &c. in various
# modern editions, some material in Confessions, and most
# prominently, the work already done by HBeta, redflame and
# other many more or less well-known persons/ sources.
thanks. a list of sources at the end of your bibliography is
also very helpful.
good call! i will not forget this.
Post by tyaginator
the Crowley Cross-Index didn't include that.
duly noted.
Post by tyaginator
thanks again.
sure! all part of a day's work, as they say.

