2005-07-31 18:14:51 UTC
how will you tell the adepts from the psychos?!
And the adepts from the bookworms pretending to be adepts.withdraw, disbelieve, and presume power is the ability to think things?
Reading through the posts, I noticed many new people asking for
advice from all of you on how to get started;
advice from all of you on how to get started;
what to read, which occult/author is the best,
I'm still revising this location and will soon post on this new NRFAQ.
which form of magick is the best etc.
controversial, everybody voting for their cult.
covered by some FAQs, but it could be addressed here too.
I've read the FAQ.alt.magick FAQ
and there's the alt.magick Noise Reduction FAQ
the newsgroup FAQ shifts with the current most numerous posters.
you might benefit from a glance at REFs, or at the Noise-Reduction FAQ.
It looks like something a bunch of third graders pasted together
after googling "magick".
LOL! hey, make one yourself. I'll help you. :)after googling "magick".
critique the FAQ you read and we can discuss it as fodder, as it has
been instructed to all readers since the dawn of reference in the
newsgroup. simple slamming on work people do is not helpful.
Magick to some, especially the very young can be very appealing.
yet aware of what magic is. Clarkean magic doesn't even "appeal" to
those who witness it, they're simply baffled by advanced technos.
They should know that to be an adept takes time, hard work and
premise: effort and discipline are required to become an 'adept'
implied premises:
'adepts' exist;
'adepts' might be identified
processes of becoming an 'adept' can be known
the term 'adept' best refers to someone arriving at an ideal or
mature (advanced) state, especially with regard to spirituality
or the mastery of magic.
It takes that to become adept at anything.
different term usage. aptitude may severely tip the scales here.
There are no dangers in Magick outside of falling prey to people who
say, or even believe, that they know a lot about Magick, but don't.
this says nothing about what "Magick" is or what the term means.say, or even believe, that they know a lot about Magick, but don't.
in general the Crowleyan form of magic, a mystical discipline set
termed 'Magick' in order to compete with other writers, is described
as havin dangers. these dangers are pitfalls in spiritual development,
which is often misunderstood by occultists as a type of mutant-making
(becoming a superhero mutant on the order of a comic book hero).
Usually, they've just read a lot of stuff. Anyone can pretend to
be anything on the internet. It is just words.
words can be used to deceive. that they can be doesn't support thebe anything on the internet. It is just words.
contention in any particular case that this is what is happening.
If someone claims to be an adept, make them prove it.
excellent advice if one seeks to challenge such claims. part of theproblem with the advice is that it doesn't explain what an adept is,
doesn't provide standards of evidence by which 'proof' might be
ascertained, and so will only serve to foment more arguments behind
which little if nothing is ever demonstrated.
If they try to wow you with arcane vocabularies and endless quotes
from supposed Masters, walk away.
nothing like ignoring potentially insightful text presented as partfrom supposed Masters, walk away.
of a conversation. differentiating between writers and mages appears
to be a difficulty of the modern occult community.
There are hundreds of books and websites out there that
claim to offer authentic information about Magick.
what demonstrates authenticity? what is that quality?claim to offer authentic information about Magick.
All of them have followers and all of them contradict each other
to one degree or another.
coming from differing perspectives. is one of these right? are allto one degree or another.
of them demonstrated wrong by their diversity?
Magick isn't hard. It's another way of looking at existence.
perspective, view, reception of data. that isn't Magick by thedescription of Crowley or by any standard which I respect. the
ability to change one's mind is not a magical skill.
You don't need anything but your own native abilities and an open
mind. Listen to your own knowing.
the expert on what "you" need? symptoms of corruption.mind. Listen to your own knowing.
Abrahcahdahbrah: "With the Word I Create."
overestimation if ever I heard one.nagasiva
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