FAQS: Magic From Usenet
(too old to reply)
2003-11-02 07:53:33 UTC
# Almost no one seriously believes that the Yronwodes are doing
# anything illegal or objectionable by keeping an archive of
# comments on Usenet regarding magick.

thanks Tom, agreed.

and regarding all manner of things that anyone can search
through for free (like religion, mysticism, spells, and
philosophy). here are some of the details of their location:

The alt.magick FAQ
REFS: http://www.luckymojo.com/altmagickfaq/ref.html

Lucky Mojo FAQ and REF Archive (sri catyananda's work!)

and don't forget, there's a "Gigante alt.magick FAQ"
that sri catyananda threw together which contains
the bulk of most of the alt.magick FAQs in one volume.
it needs just a little bit more work to be finished. :>

EL alt.magick FAQ-o GIGANTE

eventually I'll get to it if nobody else does. we've got
some pretty good writers and editors floating about and
I'm sure someone will see fit to take on the task eventually.

the alt.lucky.w FAQ (hoodoo and folk fun!)

the alt.magick.tantra FAQ (neo-Tantra!!!)

The Lucky Mojo Esoteric Archive (search sorcery)

that's all I could easily remember off the top of my head.
thanks again! post more about what information is available!

2003-11-02 13:25:57 UTC
Feel free to pass this amongst yourselves and to share it
with other alt.religion.wicca regulars. I would particularly
like Kelly Lincoln and Kate to see copies, but with all the
address-spoofing going on, i am not sure that any of the
addresses above are functional. I have most of you killfiled
in usenet and will not respond there, but you may write to
me directly at brokenstones at luckymojo.com.
If you don't call it off, then the web page -- the original
one, with all the not-as-secret-as-you-though personal
information -- plus new data -- goes back up again.

Once again, do you want people like _that_ to be entrusted with your
personal information?

"tyaginator" <***@nagasiva> wrote in message news:1K2pb.2405$***@typhoon.sonic.net...
<snip poorly constructed lies>
I Benandanti
2003-11-02 18:01:15 UTC
Post by tyaginator
# Almost no one seriously believes that the Yronwodes are doing
# anything illegal or objectionable by keeping an archive of
# comments on Usenet regarding magick.
thanks Tom, agreed.
and regarding all manner of things that anyone can search
through for free (like religion, mysticism, spells, and
that's all I could easily remember off the top of my head.
thanks again! post more about what information is available!
Give me some more free advertising, Tom. Our business is fading fast!

Bryan, Son of Cat
Post by tyaginator

"A bitter heart that bides its time and bites."

- Caliban in Robert Browning's "Caliban upon Setebos"
2003-11-03 18:56:16 UTC
Keeping an archive is obviously not illiegal. Offering it as a resource
to the curious is fine. Using other people's ideas and work to promote
your business when they weren't given to you to use for that purpose is
not fine. These aren't unsolicited endorsements and that needs to be
made clear, and prominantly so. I took a quick look at the links and
that point was not made. A note was found that some things may be
copyrighted, but some copyrighted material can be used anyhow.

Making this reference available is a marketing tool for your business,
and ought to be treated the same way as other advertising.

Post by tyaginator
# Almost no one seriously believes that the Yronwodes are doing
# anything illegal or objectionable by keeping an archive of
# comments on Usenet regarding magick.
thanks Tom, agreed.
and regarding all manner of things that anyone can search
through for free (like religion, mysticism, spells, and
The alt.magick FAQ
REFS: http://www.luckymojo.com/altmagickfaq/ref.html
Lucky Mojo FAQ and REF Archive (sri catyananda's work!)
and don't forget, there's a "Gigante alt.magick FAQ"
that sri catyananda threw together which contains
the bulk of most of the alt.magick FAQs in one volume.
it needs just a little bit more work to be finished. :>
EL alt.magick FAQ-o GIGANTE
eventually I'll get to it if nobody else does. we've got
some pretty good writers and editors floating about and
I'm sure someone will see fit to take on the task eventually.
the alt.lucky.w FAQ (hoodoo and folk fun!)
the alt.magick.tantra FAQ (neo-Tantra!!!)
The Lucky Mojo Esoteric Archive (search sorcery)
that's all I could easily remember off the top of my head.
thanks again! post more about what information is available!
2003-11-03 20:43:51 UTC
Post by Zsarnok
Keeping an archive is obviously not illiegal. Offering it as a resource
to the curious is fine. Using other people's ideas and work to promote
your business when they weren't given to you to use for that purpose is
not fine. These aren't unsolicited endorsements and that needs to be
made clear, and prominantly so.
It's ludicrous to claim that those archived messages are endorsements. Just
reading a few of them would dispel that silly notion completely.

You're going to need a more cogent argument than that. Frankly, I doubt
you're up to it.
