The A.'. A.'. (GWB REFs)
(too old to reply)
SOD of the CoE
2004-07-30 05:42:50 UTC
recent discussions on the "A.'.A.'." in the "thelema93-l"
Yahoogroup give me incentive to repost this email from my
outbox to this forum as a supplemental reference for those
interested especially in transphysical contacts.

boboroshi, SOD.


please refer to

which is the first file of its kind of which I am aware in the
WORLD, and will eventually set the standard for popular reference.
I plan to use this as a template for all future 'FAQ' materials
as a search-assist for information on all topics at engines.
it is appropriately applied initially to searching this topic.

I'm planning a revision of this web page within the next few
months based on recent research into "Zanoni" and von Eckartshausen's
heavily-influential "Cloud Upon the Sanctuary", perhaps integrating
material from Case's "True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order".

the following are specific files that may help at least with
rudimentary or detailed data from particular perspectives,
though may not deal specifically with your query as regards
what you are here calling "A.'.A.'. lineages". in fact, the
idea of "lineages" in association with the GWB (and its
Crowleyan manifestation as "A.'.A.'.") is a *disputed* class,
as you may already know. this makes contacting it somewhat
more challenging and may not allow those who are interested
in socializing to obtain their desires without first having
engaged rudiments in ceremonial, ritual, or trance work (on
account of its transphysical existence and/or location).

Lucky Mojo A.'.A.'. (GWB) Files

directory for future reference:

files now in our cache:

also consider:

blessed beast!

boboroshi at-sign satanservice.org: Satanic Outreach Director
TOKUS 'AA' Page: http://www.satanservice.org/aa.html
Revision: 5004020404 vii om
2004-07-30 13:22:22 UTC
in fact, the idea of "lineages" in association with the GWB
Lucky Mojo A.'.A.'. (GWB) Files
The only GWB in power is that dickhead in Washington DC.

"Despise also all cowards; professional soldiers who dare not fight,
but play; all fools despise!" -- AL:III:57

If you say that's a misquotation, pal, I'll never visit the Lucky Mojo
website again.

I think you may be missing "An Account of A.'.A.'." I'm sure
hermetic.com has it, but if not, it's in Equinox vol. I no. i. It was
influenced by Cloud.

P.S. Why can't I get Lucky Mojo catalog credit for being on my best
behavior? Give it some thought. Like, when I get 60 points, I get
myself a rhino's nutsack or something.

Continue reading on narkive: