2005-01-04 06:52:32 UTC
"Alexander Mulligan":
#> I think that it is time to create a real FAQ,
LOL! hi, pleased to meet you, Alexander. create *another* FAQ? sounds good.
please start that right away. and if you notice any holes in the other parts
of the general admin files, please let me know.
"Rick" <***@hooYa.you.know.what>:
# That's what we called the FAQ when we revised it, the "real" alt.magick FAQ.
# At the time we all acknowledged what a silly working title that was. It
# sounds just as silly today as it did then.
it gives it importance. it's like "First Church of Satan" or something.
I like the characterization. it's keen.
# You and/or anyone else are free to create a FAQ for alt.magick
yeah! have fun. it can be exciting and pride-inducing. multiplex
perspective convening on the newsgroup can only do us all good.
# It's an unmoderated forum, so there's no authority to say so much as
# boo about it, and certainly no means by which anyone could prevent
# you from creating and/or posting a FAQ.
thanks Rick.
# You could post specific criticism about the FAQ in question,
that's always fun.
# garner input from current posters, and entreat the current editor to
# update it further.
good luck. sometimes they like the criticism, sometimes not.
# But you should know that so far, Bruce, the comments you've made about this
# particular FAQ aren't actionable. Calling it "gibberish" and disparaging the
# listed contributors provides no basis for addressing your issues, whatever
# they may be. You'll have to be much more specific if you want the current
# editor to do anything about your concerns.
# You (anyone for that matter) can edit the existing FAQ yourself, with or
# without the input of other readers, and can then post your version at will.
LOL always full of good ideas. sorta like telephone game or
# Or if you don't think the current FAQ is worth the effort, you can create
# one from scratch and post that as much as you like. Other options not listed
# are available to you as well. The spirit of free will is in full effect on
# alt.magick; exercise it as you see fit, which of course includes making the
# vague sorts of comments you've already made, which by their very nature
# cannot possibly lead to any improvement of what you are criticizing. Now as
# always, the full range of action is at your disposal.
plus, intentional exercise of will is good preparation for magic.
like taking a walk to the park and back, or jumping jacks.
#> based upon actual questions asked here,
I suppose the interested could identify the google-posts of threads in which
the issue is considered once more in the newsgroup. the noise-reduction FAQ
did this informally and was insufficiently supported to continue. if you like
that one, check out El FAQO GIGANTE, which sri catyananda created as composite
of those outstanding. it's swell:
within http://www.luckymojo.com/altmagickfaq/
(dunno what their proper sequence is right off)
there's as many as I can think of ever seeing in one place at the
Lucky Mojo FAQs webpage:
Lucky Mojo FAQ and REF Archive
some good bit of this post ought to become the routine of
URL-citenote or become part reference for the 'real' FAQ.
the writings and works of previous participants should not
be left behind (there's a lot of it).
#> rather than what a bunch of absentee magickal _scholars_
presence called into question, as if endurance = authority
representatives of a tradition longstanding and arcane,
these "magickal _scholars_" did the best they knew how. ;>
#> want people to THINK are the questions that are
#> customarily asked here.
what do you think they are, comparatively, Alexander?
# Your characterization of the contributors of the FAQ, suggesting that there
# is some underlying motivation to mislead readers about common questions
# asked on alt.magick smacks of paranoia, and is quite inaccurate.
I don't think it's paranoia so much as a notice of bias in the real alt.magick
FAQ with which I substantially agree. whether that bias addresses the actually
commonly-asked questions is a fair challenge to pointed FAQs such as the 'real'.
# The document is a dynamic, evolutionary thing that was originally created by
# regular readers/posters of alt.magick, which has now been updated twice by
# subsequent regular readers/posters as of the time of each revision. For the
# sake of history here's what happened: the base document was originated by
# the founder of the newsgroup (Joshua Geller)
Josh wrote the Charter and newgroup'd alt.magick, Shava wrote the first FAQ
in composite to numerous suggestions posted simultaneously by contributors.
Josh wrote the OTO Sex Magick REF and a few other documents of distinct value
to magical practice, there were some suggested revisions, some incorporated.
# and a handful of posters that
# had made substantial contributions to the group through the early years of
# its existence (from the early 90's). Those who contributed to the first
# revision (~5 years ago) were daily posters at the time and had been regular
# readers/posters for at least a year at the time of revision. The contributor
# list that currently appears at the beginning of the FAQ consists of a
# combination of the originators of the document and those contributing to
# that revision.
you left out extensive posting in attempted constructed of a newsgroup FAQ,
whose results, gradually whittled due to criticism, posted for years to the
newsgroup (eventually becoming a 'noise-reduction FAQ'). initially it was
posted along with several REFs, then later diminished to mention of those
REFs and the noise-reduction FAQ as the various proto-documents turned into
individual project REFs, like the GDREF (SCranmer), or the KABBALAHREF (CLow)
instead of attempting to gain consensus about what was a good answer to 'em.
the LM FAQ archive has a bunch of versions like:
* alt.magick FAQ, 1992-1994 solo authorship, ("the old FAQ" by Shava
Nerad Averett)
* alt.magick FAQ, 1994 Questions Without Answers, compiled by tyaginator
* alt.magick FAQ, 1995 Critique of "the old FAQ" by tyaginator
* alt.magick FAQ, 1996-2000 group authorship, 1996 edition
* alt.magick FAQ, 1997-2000 group authorship, 2000 edition, ASCII
* alt.magick FAQ, 1996-2000 group authorship, 2000 edition, HTML
* alt.magick FAQ, 1999 group authorship, based on the 1992-1994 FAQ
initially as the old FAQ was posted, compilations or entire REFs were cached
by tyaginator for posterity ("KreeepIng OoZe FAQs") a leftover of which is
now posted as readership is sufficient to again generate a FAQ with some
content (the Questions REF). the GOO file REFs included stuff like:
* Abrahadabra / Abracadabra REF (quotes defining the words), 1997 version
* Abramelin Oil Recipes REF, version 1.1, 1998
* Abyss REF (quotes defining the word) (KfaQ#10), 1996 version
* Akasha REF (quotes defining the word) (KfaQ#9), 1994 version
* Baphomet REF #1 (quotes defining the word and its magical meaning), 1998
* Book List: Egyptology, by Shawn Clayton Knight, 1995 version
* Book List: Golden Dawn, by Steven R. Cranmer, 1996 version
* Book List: Magical Non-Fiction and Fiction, compiled by Reto Kohli, 1995
* Books by Mail Order: Publishers on Occultism, compiled by tyagi, 2001
* Caduceus / Hermes Wand REF (KfaQ#4), 1995 version
amongst some others (Lilith, Hermeticism, any number of common queries)
which are generally mentioned in:
the FAQ went into a website and TXT was reposted routinely, sometimes with
discussion about updating it. after some contention in the newsgroup about
whether the newsgroup FAQ was solely the product of tyaginator (many
of the original regulars familiar with long periods of usenet history
having departed), nagasiva created his own "biased" FAQ in competition to
display what he'd have created rather than in consensus with the former
posters to the newsgroup.
some time and a few discussions about FAQ later, Rick (ZZ) and another
group sought to create a "real" FAQ, apparently perceiving, amongst its
creators, some kind of struggle between them and the noise-reduction
FAQ-poster. they used the "Old alt.magick FAQ", as a Shava-seed and
produced a new product for the newsgroup in rivalry. over time this
won approval of most of the remaining newsgroup participants,
and it has sustained its popularity since.
still later sri catyananda composited the batch of them and it lays
there ready for anyone interested in completing it as El FAQ-O Gigante,
mentioned above.
# During the first revision, some Q's and A's were left intact while others
# were removed or added, and some answers to pre-existing questions were
# updated. All proposed changes were posted to the forum and anyone reading
# the group at the time was free to weigh in. The then editor (ZZ, aka "other
# Rick") made efforts to establish a consensus for the revisions. As I recall,
# fairly few people participated in those discussions.
some newsgroup suggestions were ignored, dependent upon who made them.
between this and Asiya's undertaking there was a failed attempt to move
the old noise-reduction FAQ away from Lucky Mojo. long discussions
terminated in a lack of interest in keeping it routinely-posted. all
of this history is secondary to the continued accrual of information.
# When [Asiya] assumed
# responsibility for editing and posting the FAQ she did essentially the same
# thing: posed prospective changes to the forum so that current readers could
# weigh in. As before, very few participated.
get used to it. no matter how many complaints there are,
there have been few contributors to revision since the early days,
and no general consensus satisfied all new comers, those achieved
were done over some objections by those present. it didn't, therefore
have the same general support as something to dissuade noise, but it
did glean the greater proportion of support from regular contributors
(and thus my interest in seeing it substituting for the NRFAQ).
# Furthermore, very few changes
# were made during this latest revision, so most of the current FAQ in
# question reflects the Q&A's decided upon some 5 years ago.
I've contributed to every one of these FAQs without exception.
the 'real' FAQ received substantial feedback from me, some of
which was integrated, some of which was ignored. it wouldn't
surprise me if some other posters were likewise ignored and/or
# Three of the contributors from the previous revision effort (myself,
# Nagasiva[by whatever handle], and Tom Schuler) made comments on the current
# revision. Few of the rest on the contributor list post to alt.magick much
# these days, though some continue to post sporadically. I assume Asiya left
# the contributor list intact for the sake of fair attribution,
that's what I figured happened, though it was initially included for clarity
of origin and then for rivalry with the newsgroup noise-reduction FAQ.
# not knowing
# exactly who contributed what to the original or subsequent revision of the
# document. Personally I think the contributor list is wholly unnecessary.
it tends to become somewhat political. I've heard arguments for/against and
have kept one on the noise-reduction FAQ, if I recall correctly. I like the
idea of dispensing with the contributor list, but don't care that much.
the latter, which should have a repair and now appears as:
alt.magick Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
I'll probably revise it as 'the alt.magick Noise-Reduction FAQ' and just
refer to it in posts like this for the interested. it currently mentions
the following contributors, all who helped to shape it aside from the
compilation reduction etc.:
***@netcom.com (AShub)
***@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peggy Brown)
***@kodak.com (Kim Burkard)
***@aol.com (Dshoem)
***@library.uwaterloo.ca (Karen)
***@newton.apple.com (peter kim)
***@winternet.com (robin)
***@luckymojo.com (catherine yronwode)
***@best.com (josh geller)
few of whom continue to post here with any regularity.
catherine, peter, and peggy the most recent AFAIK.
50050103 aa-viii om
#> I think that it is time to create a real FAQ,
LOL! hi, pleased to meet you, Alexander. create *another* FAQ? sounds good.
please start that right away. and if you notice any holes in the other parts
of the general admin files, please let me know.
"Rick" <***@hooYa.you.know.what>:
# That's what we called the FAQ when we revised it, the "real" alt.magick FAQ.
# At the time we all acknowledged what a silly working title that was. It
# sounds just as silly today as it did then.
it gives it importance. it's like "First Church of Satan" or something.
I like the characterization. it's keen.
# You and/or anyone else are free to create a FAQ for alt.magick
yeah! have fun. it can be exciting and pride-inducing. multiplex
perspective convening on the newsgroup can only do us all good.
# It's an unmoderated forum, so there's no authority to say so much as
# boo about it, and certainly no means by which anyone could prevent
# you from creating and/or posting a FAQ.
thanks Rick.
# You could post specific criticism about the FAQ in question,
that's always fun.
# garner input from current posters, and entreat the current editor to
# update it further.
good luck. sometimes they like the criticism, sometimes not.
# But you should know that so far, Bruce, the comments you've made about this
# particular FAQ aren't actionable. Calling it "gibberish" and disparaging the
# listed contributors provides no basis for addressing your issues, whatever
# they may be. You'll have to be much more specific if you want the current
# editor to do anything about your concerns.
# You (anyone for that matter) can edit the existing FAQ yourself, with or
# without the input of other readers, and can then post your version at will.
LOL always full of good ideas. sorta like telephone game or
# Or if you don't think the current FAQ is worth the effort, you can create
# one from scratch and post that as much as you like. Other options not listed
# are available to you as well. The spirit of free will is in full effect on
# alt.magick; exercise it as you see fit, which of course includes making the
# vague sorts of comments you've already made, which by their very nature
# cannot possibly lead to any improvement of what you are criticizing. Now as
# always, the full range of action is at your disposal.
plus, intentional exercise of will is good preparation for magic.
like taking a walk to the park and back, or jumping jacks.
#> based upon actual questions asked here,
I suppose the interested could identify the google-posts of threads in which
the issue is considered once more in the newsgroup. the noise-reduction FAQ
did this informally and was insufficiently supported to continue. if you like
that one, check out El FAQO GIGANTE, which sri catyananda created as composite
of those outstanding. it's swell:
within http://www.luckymojo.com/altmagickfaq/
(dunno what their proper sequence is right off)
there's as many as I can think of ever seeing in one place at the
Lucky Mojo FAQs webpage:
Lucky Mojo FAQ and REF Archive
some good bit of this post ought to become the routine of
URL-citenote or become part reference for the 'real' FAQ.
the writings and works of previous participants should not
be left behind (there's a lot of it).
#> rather than what a bunch of absentee magickal _scholars_
presence called into question, as if endurance = authority
representatives of a tradition longstanding and arcane,
these "magickal _scholars_" did the best they knew how. ;>
#> want people to THINK are the questions that are
#> customarily asked here.
what do you think they are, comparatively, Alexander?
# Your characterization of the contributors of the FAQ, suggesting that there
# is some underlying motivation to mislead readers about common questions
# asked on alt.magick smacks of paranoia, and is quite inaccurate.
I don't think it's paranoia so much as a notice of bias in the real alt.magick
FAQ with which I substantially agree. whether that bias addresses the actually
commonly-asked questions is a fair challenge to pointed FAQs such as the 'real'.
# The document is a dynamic, evolutionary thing that was originally created by
# regular readers/posters of alt.magick, which has now been updated twice by
# subsequent regular readers/posters as of the time of each revision. For the
# sake of history here's what happened: the base document was originated by
# the founder of the newsgroup (Joshua Geller)
Josh wrote the Charter and newgroup'd alt.magick, Shava wrote the first FAQ
in composite to numerous suggestions posted simultaneously by contributors.
Josh wrote the OTO Sex Magick REF and a few other documents of distinct value
to magical practice, there were some suggested revisions, some incorporated.
# and a handful of posters that
# had made substantial contributions to the group through the early years of
# its existence (from the early 90's). Those who contributed to the first
# revision (~5 years ago) were daily posters at the time and had been regular
# readers/posters for at least a year at the time of revision. The contributor
# list that currently appears at the beginning of the FAQ consists of a
# combination of the originators of the document and those contributing to
# that revision.
you left out extensive posting in attempted constructed of a newsgroup FAQ,
whose results, gradually whittled due to criticism, posted for years to the
newsgroup (eventually becoming a 'noise-reduction FAQ'). initially it was
posted along with several REFs, then later diminished to mention of those
REFs and the noise-reduction FAQ as the various proto-documents turned into
individual project REFs, like the GDREF (SCranmer), or the KABBALAHREF (CLow)
instead of attempting to gain consensus about what was a good answer to 'em.
the LM FAQ archive has a bunch of versions like:
* alt.magick FAQ, 1992-1994 solo authorship, ("the old FAQ" by Shava
Nerad Averett)
* alt.magick FAQ, 1994 Questions Without Answers, compiled by tyaginator
* alt.magick FAQ, 1995 Critique of "the old FAQ" by tyaginator
* alt.magick FAQ, 1996-2000 group authorship, 1996 edition
* alt.magick FAQ, 1997-2000 group authorship, 2000 edition, ASCII
* alt.magick FAQ, 1996-2000 group authorship, 2000 edition, HTML
* alt.magick FAQ, 1999 group authorship, based on the 1992-1994 FAQ
initially as the old FAQ was posted, compilations or entire REFs were cached
by tyaginator for posterity ("KreeepIng OoZe FAQs") a leftover of which is
now posted as readership is sufficient to again generate a FAQ with some
content (the Questions REF). the GOO file REFs included stuff like:
* Abrahadabra / Abracadabra REF (quotes defining the words), 1997 version
* Abramelin Oil Recipes REF, version 1.1, 1998
* Abyss REF (quotes defining the word) (KfaQ#10), 1996 version
* Akasha REF (quotes defining the word) (KfaQ#9), 1994 version
* Baphomet REF #1 (quotes defining the word and its magical meaning), 1998
* Book List: Egyptology, by Shawn Clayton Knight, 1995 version
* Book List: Golden Dawn, by Steven R. Cranmer, 1996 version
* Book List: Magical Non-Fiction and Fiction, compiled by Reto Kohli, 1995
* Books by Mail Order: Publishers on Occultism, compiled by tyagi, 2001
* Caduceus / Hermes Wand REF (KfaQ#4), 1995 version
amongst some others (Lilith, Hermeticism, any number of common queries)
which are generally mentioned in:
the FAQ went into a website and TXT was reposted routinely, sometimes with
discussion about updating it. after some contention in the newsgroup about
whether the newsgroup FAQ was solely the product of tyaginator (many
of the original regulars familiar with long periods of usenet history
having departed), nagasiva created his own "biased" FAQ in competition to
display what he'd have created rather than in consensus with the former
posters to the newsgroup.
some time and a few discussions about FAQ later, Rick (ZZ) and another
group sought to create a "real" FAQ, apparently perceiving, amongst its
creators, some kind of struggle between them and the noise-reduction
FAQ-poster. they used the "Old alt.magick FAQ", as a Shava-seed and
produced a new product for the newsgroup in rivalry. over time this
won approval of most of the remaining newsgroup participants,
and it has sustained its popularity since.
still later sri catyananda composited the batch of them and it lays
there ready for anyone interested in completing it as El FAQ-O Gigante,
mentioned above.
# During the first revision, some Q's and A's were left intact while others
# were removed or added, and some answers to pre-existing questions were
# updated. All proposed changes were posted to the forum and anyone reading
# the group at the time was free to weigh in. The then editor (ZZ, aka "other
# Rick") made efforts to establish a consensus for the revisions. As I recall,
# fairly few people participated in those discussions.
some newsgroup suggestions were ignored, dependent upon who made them.
between this and Asiya's undertaking there was a failed attempt to move
the old noise-reduction FAQ away from Lucky Mojo. long discussions
terminated in a lack of interest in keeping it routinely-posted. all
of this history is secondary to the continued accrual of information.
# When [Asiya] assumed
# responsibility for editing and posting the FAQ she did essentially the same
# thing: posed prospective changes to the forum so that current readers could
# weigh in. As before, very few participated.
get used to it. no matter how many complaints there are,
there have been few contributors to revision since the early days,
and no general consensus satisfied all new comers, those achieved
were done over some objections by those present. it didn't, therefore
have the same general support as something to dissuade noise, but it
did glean the greater proportion of support from regular contributors
(and thus my interest in seeing it substituting for the NRFAQ).
# Furthermore, very few changes
# were made during this latest revision, so most of the current FAQ in
# question reflects the Q&A's decided upon some 5 years ago.
I've contributed to every one of these FAQs without exception.
the 'real' FAQ received substantial feedback from me, some of
which was integrated, some of which was ignored. it wouldn't
surprise me if some other posters were likewise ignored and/or
# Three of the contributors from the previous revision effort (myself,
# Nagasiva[by whatever handle], and Tom Schuler) made comments on the current
# revision. Few of the rest on the contributor list post to alt.magick much
# these days, though some continue to post sporadically. I assume Asiya left
# the contributor list intact for the sake of fair attribution,
that's what I figured happened, though it was initially included for clarity
of origin and then for rivalry with the newsgroup noise-reduction FAQ.
# not knowing
# exactly who contributed what to the original or subsequent revision of the
# document. Personally I think the contributor list is wholly unnecessary.
it tends to become somewhat political. I've heard arguments for/against and
have kept one on the noise-reduction FAQ, if I recall correctly. I like the
idea of dispensing with the contributor list, but don't care that much.
the latter, which should have a repair and now appears as:
alt.magick Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
I'll probably revise it as 'the alt.magick Noise-Reduction FAQ' and just
refer to it in posts like this for the interested. it currently mentions
the following contributors, all who helped to shape it aside from the
compilation reduction etc.:
***@netcom.com (AShub)
***@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peggy Brown)
***@kodak.com (Kim Burkard)
***@aol.com (Dshoem)
***@library.uwaterloo.ca (Karen)
***@newton.apple.com (peter kim)
***@winternet.com (robin)
***@luckymojo.com (catherine yronwode)
***@best.com (josh geller)
few of whom continue to post here with any regularity.
catherine, peter, and peggy the most recent AFAIK.
50050103 aa-viii om